is a newly formed 5 hour guild recruiting good players who are just too busy dippin’ cones to raid more than a few hours a week. We raid Tuesday/Thursday evenings from 8-10:30 server time (6-8:30 pacific; 9-11:30 eastern). We clear heroic each week in <3 hours. We are looking to recruit for Mythic, which we expect to start very soon, as many of our members have already completed 3/12.
We’re specifically looking for dps, but are open to exceptional players from all roles.
We’re a close group of real life friends, who want to experience content with fairly competitive people who love to meme and have fun. We don’t really have a raid leader, as we emphasize a democratic approach to raiding, with responsibilities being distributed to players depending on strengths, roles and interest in specific encounters or types of content.
We have a good balance of people who enjoy M+ (2k+ S3 and S4), PvP (multi-gladiators), and Raiding (past experience in Cutting Edge raiding).
Hit me up on Discord, Socrates#7066 or my, Spula#1150 for any questions. You can also reach out to Snow#1804 on, or Epicnick#7200 on Discord.