Hiya folks,
A group of friends and myself are looking for a place to call home. Recruitment takes work, but so does finding a home for everyone to fit. If we do find a team that fits us then we’d be happy to explore that avenue. Otherwise our guild will kick up recruiting.
We love M+ and our goal is to obtain AOTC every tier and push into mythic. We like it chill enough to have fun, and serious enough to kill bosses. Currently we are 9/10 H CN and just lack the bodies to kill Sire Denathrius.
Preferred raid times would be 7-10 CST. Most of us are flexible on this though.
Our group consists of:
-Vengeance / Havoc DH
-Resto Sham
-Prot Warrior /(alt)Resto Sham
-Mistweaver Monk
-Aff lock (has several alts)
-Arms Warrior
-Fury Warrior
-BM / MM Hunter
-BM / MM Hunter
And a few other people who don’t currently raid but also want a good place to call home.
We would PREFER Horde on Area 52, but are very open to options.