Group Loot.....bad!

I will refer to a previous post I made:

In other words, YES, letting pugs have personal loot is best, but if Blizzard is bound and determined to go down the idiot path, best we can do is suggest things to mitigate the issues, maybe in the hopes that they will open their eyes and and see that in order to make the system “perfect” would take too much work unless they just go at least the option route.

I’m honestly not even clear what the big problem with personal loot was? How widespread of an issue was PL, did it effect like 95% or majority of raid groups causing lower raid participation for blizzard to change it?

Aren’t one handed weapons notoriously difficult to loot? Considering all the classes that need them, wouldn’t PL be better than group loot considering a majority of raid members can equip, what if you need not just 1 drop but 2 drops for a complete set & you constantly need but roll badly?

Have you never played this game before ? Is this your first time pug raiding without PL ?

Then roll need on everything you can.

The faster you do, the faster we get PL back. That’s how we got PL in the first place.

Classic post because you’ll never appease everyone. Someone is always going to complain about something. I’m not defending Blizzard on all of their bad decisions here, but this is a welcome change and won’t affect anyone any worse than what’s been the case recently.

Worst case scenario is loot drops that no one can use so the guild enchanters get mats to reinvest back into the guild. What else am I missing here? There will be a system in place as well that will be interesting to see how it plays out.

I don’t see a difference in PL, killing X boss, getting gold and nothing else versus killing a boss, getting gold, and not being able to use an item that drops.

Yes to the first, no to the second, but it is possible to forget some minutia like that.

I will not compromise my nature just because the ones that should know better do the bonehead. As if that is the path we take, we will likely wind up in this same situation AGAIN, where personal loot is pretty much the only option for everyone. I’d rather try and nip it in the bud with the common sense fix of; LFR and GF Pugs=personal loot, guild/friend runs=group or master loot.

Oh yeah, the loot roll window, the source of all loot drama ever. Easy to forget that thing.

Then enjoy losing your loot. Having a nice ring to trade for those shoulders you really want is really practical.

The biggest issue really came when they removed the other options for loot. PL is fine for queued content and pugging, but guild runs and those that are made with groups of friends should at least have the option for master loot or even group loot (which can turn to master loot with the right set up). It is just another case of Blizzard swinging the pendulum too far one way or the other instead of stopping at an area where certain groups have options.

That’s blizzard’s fault for not wanting to add options for loot systems.

It is when you don’t see it for a while :stuck_out_tongue:

The loot is not mine till it is in my bags, not to mention, when it comes to raiding, I am pretty much only with my guild or alts of guild members. In all honestly, the only loot I’d have a chance of “losing” would be loot from Mythic dungeons and M+, which could easily be a wash anyway.

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“Oh good, I’ll get those shoulders!”. Meanwhile, Raiimir is telling the other plate DPS “This cool ring is all yours if you win me those mog shoulders”.

But yeah, you be principled. That’ll sure work.

hey, maybe if more people were principled, the less of an issue things like this would be.

In this world there are a lot of really poorly researched, poorly thought out, uneducated bad takes on things…

… And this is an example of one of them.

Ok but in wow you can upgrade purple gear so you don’t need to replace it as much

Depends on which gear. And that sort of thing is selective to expacs. They have that about as consistent as they’ve had vendors. Which is not much at all. Right now we have catalyst which turns regular gear into tier set gear. Outdoor content had the stuff in ZM and Korthia. But those only go to a certain ilvl that barely gets you to the point of being able to do harder content.

It’d still benefit by having vendors and crafting (beyond ilvl 390) for the next expac along with group loot. For those that do content and don’t get that stubborn item or two.

So you want to go back to the wod level of complaints?

LFR is raiding on ez mode. Just because you think that the overwhelming majority of players do no content because it’s content you turn your nose up at doesn’t mean you get to make that decision.


It’s not raiding. Even the devs call it theatre mode/story mode.

I don’t turn my nose up at it. I just understand the game and that LFR isn’t actual raiding because it’s qued for, there’s determination stacks, and mechanics are either removed or so simplified you don’t die.

It’s raiding regardless of whether you want to think people who do it aren’t doing anything. It’s only a recent thing that the “story mode” idea was presented to us. If it was story mode it would be designed as a scenario with npc helpers for people who want to see the story, not as a raid that needs bosses killed.

By saying it’s not raiding, you just did turn your nose up at it.

I see, so no queuable content is actually content, and nobody is playing the game but you and your tiny group of close friends you huddle with to avoid contact with normal people.

I understand the game. You only see what you want to see, and imagine the rest to suit your wishful thinking.

That’s what “easy mode” means. It’s easier. And people do die. And do get kicked for being afk.


It’s not raiding no matter how much you try to say it is.

Real raiding doesn’t have auto ques, missing mechanics, and determination stacks.

Hence why it’s called “looking for raid” because it’s a doorway to get into raiding not actual raiding.

Not really. I don’t look down on people who only LFR. I just state the fact that LFR isn’t real raiding.

Qued content isn’t group content.

If you die in LFR you either did it on purpose or flat out bad at the game.

Or if the instance/fight is bugged.

This is exactly why I won’t be buying dragon land expac. i am watching all this changes they slip in one by one. No one asked for this crap yet they do it anyways. I have ZERO I repeat ZERO trust in the dev team and the company. They are trying to manipulate as usual to waste time in this one game for their metrics. No thanks