Group Loot.....bad!

Then at the very least, leave it alone and let it stay the way it is. if you don’t have a reason to change, it’s pointless and that makes it even worse.


Which can also happen with PL and does happen. What are you actually arguing?


Yes, your brilliance is clearly too staggering for me to behold…

Best of luck curing cancer or poking your belly button or pondering the things great ones like you ponder, random WoW poster guy.


It literally is not.
Personal loot, the loot has already been assigned.
That is a pretty huge distinction.

You’re another person that isn’t aware of the distinction between Master loot and Group loot, I guess.
I also do not follow your logic.

When 2 people are confused by you, perhaps you’re just not making any sense.


No, it just means you’re both wrong. The majority of the world isn’t smart.

Raid wants loot pooled.
You don’t pool your loot.

Why make consequences for no reason? No good reason for group loot change has been provided.

Blizz does have reasons. One is they want to address armor stacking and split runs. Whether this does anything is tbd


The concept of being “bullied” for your loot didn’t even exist until personal loot. I remember it clearly, people flooding the forums complaining about being whispered for their loot etc.

You’re acting as if a Guild couldn’t demand your trinket from you in a personal loot system.


Agreed 100%. And this is one aspect of it I think folks can have a legit beef with, as it’s a huge signal that Blizzard isn’t learning anything. Once again, they’re implementing wide-scale changes that impact everyone based solely on the behavior of World First guilds… rather than anything practical.

I don’t think Group Loot is the beast folks are making it out to be, but don’t I think for a minute Blizzard is doing this because: “gee, raiding is dying - maybe we should do something to make it better for people who play our game”… it’s “we’re sick and tired of World First Guilds stacking 14 Warlocks and a Windwalker because it shows how embarrassing our balancing skills are.”


Consequences whether we have PL or Need/Greed.

Guilds and Raid Leaders are free to make their own rules and the members are free to follow those rules or not. The Loot system doesn’t change either of those things.

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This change sucks, PuG players are gonna ger screwed over. There are way, WAY more cssual puggers than hardcore raiders. Casual puggers carry this game, not hardcore raiders. And shady online services are gonna reap the rewards by selling raid spots and raid gear. PERSONAL LOOT GURANTEES YOU 1 - 3 PIECES OF GEAR, GROUP LOOT YOU CAN WALK AWAY WITH NOTHING!!!


How? If you win the roll you win the gear and it goes in your bag. No one can make you trade it away with Need/Greed just like no one can make you trade your drops away with PL.


Not how GL works but ok

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How so, exactly are they going to be screwed over? If an item drops that you need, you select “need” and the system determines who wins out of those that selected need. It’s not like the evil raid leader is picking who receives the loot in either case.


Is this even true?
I feel like I have walked away from many of half-clears without a single item.
And when you get an item, it’s likely something you do not even need.

At this stage clearly you’re just wanting to be mad.
You’ve been told multiple times that Group Loot is not Master Loot.


I will take “Things that are untrue for $1000” Alex.


Three weeks of fated raids and gotten no loot with PL so explain that.


That’s master loot, not group loot.

Seriously people, this isn’t hard.


Full raids start to finish? If you do a full raid on personal loot your are almost guaranteed gear! Group loot less likely.

Nope. Two toons: a druid and demon hunter did fated start to finish for three weeks and not a single piece of gear to drop.