Group Loot is antiquated, and was removed for a reason

Ugly opinion is ugly. Thank you and goodbye!

Because people are dumb and don’t understand it.

It does matter. If 100 people say 2+3 = 10 that doesnt magically make them correct.

I havent lost anything nor have I lashed out at anyone. Keep making up fake realities in your head because you cant handle being wrong on everything.

Okay so like. I can understand exactly why Blizz brought group loot back to raids. There is one absolutely massive flaw with this though. I’ll make my point here.

I am an altoholic. Back before personal loot became a thing across the board, I would talk with my GM extensively on how our raid runs, we’d get more people more gear if we did personal loot because of how things worked. It’s tough for me to get into exact numbers but it’s a numbers thing.

Like I mentioned before, I’m an altoholic. Always have been and always will be. I’ve noticed that gearing my alts through personal loot became much more lucrative and gave me much more control and it’s been a pretty smooth process gearing up the last few expansions.

However, I’ve been running some toons through LFR. Usually I’d get a piece of gear or two when I do my LFR runs. I haven’t gotten a damn thing since pre patch came out. I myself have been very much looking forward to this patch and gearing up my toons through LFR so I can get all my alts ready for Dragonflight but since I haven’t gotten a damn thing… I’ve only seen maybe one or two pieces of gear drop that I could even roll on.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that with one boss we had 4 leather boots go up for roll. Only one person needed them. So the rest were just trash pieces. What personal loot did is in a way it prevented pieces of gear going to trash. I know a dev somewhere pointed this out a while back. I believe it was Ion who said it but I also understood it because of how the bad luck protection worked along side with personal loot.

Bottom line. Group loot is basically trash. We should have our options back for raiding like when we had master loot, group loot, personal loot, whatever. We should have our choice. Basically all this change has done is cause more headaches than it intended to relieve.

You’re telling me you dont know what the word new means? You think this system is new?!

Lol, it is an old system being brought back for the minority mythic raiding sect.


Going somewhere?

I’m still here, and mog is still a valid reason to roll for an item.

The only thing not new is the name.

Thanks for proving you don’t know what you’re talking about.

It’s been completely redone and the only thing that’s the same is the name.

What’s also funny is that a big chunk of heroic raiders are happy PL isn’t a thing anymore either.

In Wrath if you didn’t raid, there was nothing for you to do.

People arent dumb, they have dealt with it before. It’s an old system with some refinements. It got removed because reasons.

Agree completely with you. Just ran a Raid Finder on a lower toon and well geared players were rolling need on everything they could. Just going to cause so many problems and heart ache. Personal loot was working much better.

no, its essentially the old system with a couple more rules to who can rule need, allegedly. LFR already had a similar system in place before personal loot.

tell us you don’t remember/know the old system without telling us.

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+1 Group loot should have stayed dead


In a pug, why wouldn’t you roll need on everything the system will let you roll need on? You can use the item and in my opinion Needing for Tmog is a valid need. Same as if I get a drop on Personal Loot that I have better gear than said item but I want to keep it for Transmog.

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I read everything you say. You could, of course, proofread before you hit reply and delete stuff that makes you look like an incompetent jerk. Repeating yourself makes you look like you repeat yourself a lot because you have no understanding or real ideas.

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Ironic because the old system is different than the new one.

Tell us you didnt read it without telling us you didnt read it.

Clearly you either dont, or you dont comprehend it.

Ahh making up even more things. I dont delete anything.

Its not my fault the majority of complaints are literally due to some basic reading.

PL was complete garbage

Just take the L.

You can’t force people to think group loot is new.

I am not ever going to take an L because I am right. The sooner you stop trying to inform me I “took an L” the sooner you stop being the second most laughed about poster on the forum.

You’re not.

Group loot is not new and no one is buying your or Blizzards rubbish.