Group Loot is antiquated, and was removed for a reason

I’m not sure why Blizzard is bent on only having 1 loot type, but the current GL is essentially both.

Want it to function like PL? Everyone just need on everything that drops.

Want it to function like ML? Everyone pass to the ML and hand kit gear accordingly.

I’ve always hated how PL creates a situation where you can game the loot drops so I’m glad to see that changes. What a boss can drop should be what a boss can drop, not some dynamic loot list players can try and gimmick.

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im fairly sure RL will intervene if X member gets 2 pieces of loot back to back , while others got 0 , that need button? forbidden for u until is your turn again (spreadsheet of who looted what , 2h Weapons count the most , sorry fury warrrior

or put DKPs back :roll_eyes:

If this is their response, then it doesn’t make any sense even according to their own logic for adding group loot back to LFR, because we can’t pick better players to run LFR with. That’s the entire point of LFR, it’s random people.

I’m really hoping they remove it and go back to personal loot for LFR before Dragonflight is released. It’s only going to get worse when more people actually need more gear because it’s the start of the expansion, not the end of it.

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As far as being a raid leader goes, you kind of control everything when it comes to loot if that’s how your guild is set up. I don’t really care what’s put in the game, because if I want to give my best dps a trinket and the lowest dps wins it, I can tell the worse player that puts in less effort to give it to our pumper.

These are rules that are agreed upon with the guild between the players. I’m sure a lot of the forums pug, but if you’re discussing guild raid loot, it ends up coming down to the officers. You can have any system in place, as long as you can trade loot you end up in this situation.

The raiding guild isn’t really affected much by this change, pugs… idk i guess we’ll see. I hated personal loot, but that’s obviously from my perspective, and keep in mind I pug on alts almost exclusively. So I’ve been thru personal loot as well. Need before greed is a system that I’ve always preferred, but obviously ML trumps all and should be in the game.

tldr: find a guild that fits u. there’s hundreds i’m sure on ur realm and one of them is bound to be a good fit for you.

or just skip lfr because it’s the worst way to gear in the game unless ur specifically going for tier. may aswell just do +3s all the time for better gear.

Then it sounds like the guild loot rules are that it isn’t PL and more like ML.

I did a pug CN yesterday with 0 loot drama because to be honest it’s a non-issue. Kill boss, loot drops, roll need/greed, move to next boss.

We shouldn’t have to wait for it to swing back around. Scrap it now and save the future headaches.

So? There’s less than a month left in the expansion. Mog is more important than gear.

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ilvl is temporary. mog is forever.

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In order for something to be outdated, something better needs to show up to replace it. What is that better thing?

No it didn’t, it allowed for loot manipulation through class stacking, and ruined raid composition for several raid cycles. They tried fixing the raid compositions in many ways and failed every time.

No one has to worry about ninjas now. Ninja looting is exclusive to the master loot system.

No, to gear up an offspec you had to either sacrifice the chance of a main spec drop, or always be grouped up with a geared player who dropped items for your offspec. It was awful and resulted in many players just neglecting their offspecs completely for the duration of personal loot.

It might have been plausible for dungeons, which due to lower number of players, resulted in higher chances of unusable loot. However I still think group loot is superior for dungeons also.

Due to master loot

No one has power over your loot in group loot.

They are unable to do such a thing in the current rule set. The item needs to be an upgrade for him to allow him to roll for it.

No one uses this argument

You can’t lose a rare mount or a legendary drop in group loot.

There is no master looter…

He can’t do that in the current rule set. He needs to have a worse weapon for him to be able to roll need on it.

No, to solve the class stacking issue, and to encourage diverse comps, and to prevent issues where players can’t trade their unneeded loot, and to make it easier for the loot to go to the correct person without having to open trade with the person after receiving an item.

You can’t roll need on a downgrade.

You can only roll need on upgrades, not having the appearance is not a criteria to be able to roll need.

Increasing drop chances does not make loot more meaningful, it just reduces the number of times you are going into that raid.

Than point to a real flaw of the system, not one derived from you not understanding the system.

And sorry but it is hard to take you seriously when you don’t understand the rules of the system. In order to request changes to the game you need to at least have a base understanding on how it works, and you also need to provide real reasons for the change, not a fake one.

Is this about season 4 fated raids?

So, you make a thread rambling about a system you don’t understand, and when people get mad at you, instead of removing your thread you just mute the people trying to correct you?


Yep that is 100% how it should have been done haha. Personal on LFR, prebuilt group gets a choice.

Agreed except one problem. You should have been able to trade it even if it was an ilvl upgrade. If it’s personal loot, it should be my personal decision on what to do with it.


Yes it is.

This isnt the same group loot. The only thing thats the same is the name.

Thinking I got mad because you dont know what you are talking about is PURE gold LOL

Sorry but personal loot just wasn’t cutting it. I’d get one item of gear a freaking month. I went back to wotlk classic and got 5 pieces in one run. Even if group loot ain’t the answer, personal loot ain’t it either.

When enough people are telling you you’re drunk you should probably sit down.

Take the L with some grace.

100 people being wrong doesnt magically make them correct. Multiple people commenting clearly dont understand how the loot system works just like you dont know anything about what you are talking about.

That would imply I took an L.

That doesn’t matter, you’re still drunk.

You have, you’re just taking it badly by lashing out at the OP.

Nope, personal loot was dumb. Especially as an “only” option.

Group loot was removed for a dumb reason. Like master loot.

Tbh there needs to be an option to choose between the three. But if there can only be one, the new version of group loot is best.

I hated personal loot. I’m not high end anything.

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Nope. Don’t have to worry about ninjas. Nice try tho.