Group Loot in Raids

It already is. Only tier tokens were exempt from the restriction.

This loot system already didn’t allow you to roll need on pieces you already had at higher ilvl, meaning if you wanted a Heroic mog, but had the mythic mog item, you just couldn’t need on it.


Just let them stew in their own muck. It’ll be like back at bfa launch when there wasn’t a reason to do lfr (like in legion for lego blp), and then again in 8.3 when TFing was removed (and after blizz fixed corruptions to scale off ilvl more).

Just give us options for Loot distribution when forming the raid.

The removal of Personal Loot was the biggest failure of the expansion so far.


don’t forget certain items like chillglobe are considered “healer” items. even though it may be a upgrade for a dps class. if u roll need as dps spec it forces u to roll need-offspec. so basically u cant get it as dps loot spec

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Other problem with group loot in LFR is you can NEVER queue for multiple wings of the raid.

When you kill the last boss in one wing, your queue immediately pops for the next wing. But if you accept the queue, you are skipping loot from the last boss of the first wing because inevitably someone is either taking their time or has gone AFK. There’s always a long wait for the final loot to be distributed.


Blizzard can happily check my post history. I barely post on the forums, but I have to agree with the majority of people. Please please please just go back to personal loot.

Any content where randoms are together should basically be personal loot. I’m more content getting nothing from personal loot than I am losing a roll on everything.

Stop with trying to fix group loot. Just admit “After listening to the community we agree that group loot was not the best route, therefore we will be returning LFR to personal loot”. You lose little but gain so much with the community.


There are more considerations to rolling on gear than Ilvl, these changes are flat out BAD for the game. The middle ground loot system is worse for EVERYONE. Either go back to personal loot, or go all the way and let organized groups master loot.


Group loot in raids is silly.


I’m happy for this change. On my main, I just finished LFR, first wing, last boss, I hit need on everything that had a need and greed on everything that is greed, and then get outta there.

After I had ported back home, I got a whisper, from a fellow hunter who was in the raid I was just in, asking (politely I might add) for one of the 2 pieces of tier I apparently won, asked to group up, “sure” I said, let me check my mail … after a decent convo of about 15 minutes, the mail finally arrived, 2 tier tokens for gloves …BOTH SOULBOUND.

I’ll be paying more attention until this is fixed, and not needing on duplicates, it happens, but those tokens perhaps shouldn’t be soulbound? Should be tradeable with those that were eligible?

I felt terrible for my fellow player, that I could not give them that second piece I got.

Blizzard: Hey look we have this thing we want to do.
Players: Hmmmm well okay but it sounds like it has a bunch of issues.
Blizzard: No trust us.
Players: Sus but okay what can we do.

Players: So this really is not working. Here is tons of valid feedback on why this is not working and that there is/was a better way to do that.
Blizzard: Best I can do is fix a couple of things that really doesn’t fix most of the things that makes this suck for players.
Players: …


Doesn’t this mean, for farming transmog, now I want a 2nd Rogue where I only run LFR each week and delete any upgrades I get?


Your character has a loot history. Just look back at bfa where blizz added checks to ensure that overworld mobs scaled with you regardless if you destroyed an item or banked it into your bank/void storage.

Looting a higher ilvl item pushes that hidden value up per slot forever.

Very, very disappointed to see this response.

Changing LFR and now keeping LFR as forced group loot has been a huge black eye in what has otherwise been a huge rebound with Dragonflight. Group loot has increased the tension between players running LFR, increased the toxicity and frustration for players running LFR, and has been almost universally despised among the player base and here on the forums.

If you wanted less loot distribution, there were so many better ways to change the drop rates of personal loot without all of the negativity and issues forcing group loot has caused.

Please listen to your players and realize how bad forcing this on LFR is for the state of the game.


That is about right. Half the tier colors tend to be awful (individual preference). Like this tier I want the green of LFR but now the chances of ever getting it are abysmal. With the previous system everyone got their loot and went on their ways. In pre-formed groups if people did not need something they just passed it on. It’s like we went from cave man days to a functional society and blizz was like naw back to the caves with you.

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Why is it so beyond difficult to just give us ML and PL back?

This whole system is clearly failing hard, and no amount of doubling down on it is going to fix it.


I truly have no idea how personal loot isn’t superior in every single way.

There was absolutely no reason for the group loot change.

Why is it needed for guilds to be able to funnel upgrade gear to one person? How is this for the greater good of the game? What? You want guilds to push content quicker or something, where you can argue it is slightly more efficient on upping raid dps ever so slightly quicker?
Why does that value trump the absolute toxicity group loot creates across the game?

I don’t get it… truly don’t


Give. Us. Options.

Why are we limited to one type of looting rule? Personal loot was bad, but some people preferred it. Why can’t we have the option? Also, why couldn’t you have at least given us the Master Looter option too?

Many people thought it was coming back, so my guild decided to do Loot Council. Now, before people groan, we made our LC as fair as possible and our guildies love it so far. We have 2 officers on LC with 2 randomly picked raiders. Everyone has gotten a chance to be in it already. We’ve made it as transparent as possible and set ground rules such as indicating whether it’s BiS or not, main/off, etc. And since everyone has been in LC they see all the deicions made because they’re part of it.

Again, give us options. There’s no reason to not have the option of PL or ML. If people have an issue with ML, simply don’t join a raid that is using it.


For that last one, in 10.0.5, the system will now thoroughly identify if you can dual-wield the weapon in question, based on your loot spec. If you can, and you already have two versions of it at least as powerful as the item being rolled for, you can’t Need the item.

I understand why it might be important to let players who can most benefit from an item roll need on it, but what if we want to run LFR in order to get transmog appearances? In the case of a lot of raid items its also the only place to get the appearance. So how am I ever supposed to complete the set if I’m never allowed to roll need?

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group Loot should be only available for guild groups


Can you please go back to personal loot in lfr?
The current way is benificial to no one there.
Frankly it sucks.