Group Loot in Raids

Does this mean i can no longer set loot spec to arms to garuentee 2h weap rolls and prot for 1h weapons without being eligble to roll on a weapon because the game deems ‘unable to dual weild’. You need to sort out fury spec loot rolls because myou will be eligble to roll on both 1h and 2h weapons regardless of weapon spec. I play all 3 specs.

Already having to spend 1k valor to upgrade a 2h weap per rank for both hands is insanely hard to loot and maintain weapons as fury, one way to avoid this is by using prot/arms loot specs and never using fury loot spec.

Group loot has left a bad taste for me as I had 0 drops after some 12 raid bosses of no loot.
Previously clearing a raid was almost guaranteed a loot piece , maybe there was bad luck protection?
Compounding that players can win multiple loot from the boss where it was not possible under personal loot.
Personal loot was great as it removed all the drama.


Or… and hear me out now… what if a system was made that used hidden rolls that wouldn’t cause any drama or BS, that matched class and just automatically happened - and if they didn’t want what they got they could, I dunno… trade it with other eligible people in the party?

I know, it sounds impossible, nothing like it’s been done before, and it seems absolutely OUTRAGEOUS!

Oh wait, that’s Personal Loot and it worked acceptably in queued content for years… silly me.


Maybe the fact that you guys have to do such an INSANE amount of micromanaging with what people can and can’t roll on should tell you all something.

Personal Loot was fine, it just needed to do a better job of giving items to different people (instead of one person getting half the drops in a dungeon). Group Loot absolutely sucks in content with random people and it makes literally no sense that it is used in that context. In just a few LFR runs I’ve seen so much abuse and people openly saying they’re just rolling because they can.

This needs to be the next big ‘we have listened to feedback’ thing that y’all walk back and it needs to happen sooner than later.


I’m sure that LFR will be fine without the Heroic and Mythic raiders slumming it because they like the mint-green color scheme therefore the people who are there for their actual endgame progression don’t deserve actual upgrades.

I’m all about transmog, and I seriously don’t understand the mindset of “I deserve this because transmog” when it’s an actual upgrade for someone else. That counts as a “greed” roll instead of a “need” roll to me, along with “Because I want to vendor it” and “I want the DE shard”.

Maybe some of these mythic raiders who, for whatever reason, are super into the unornamented, cheap-looking version of the armor that they have can help us advocate for retro raiding to be fixed so it’s easier to go back to old raids and get transmog instead.


Why? They can craft a higher ilevel piece in two minutes. Transmog lasts longer.

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Maybe they don’t like the super busy mythic armor, maybe they are just really into mint green, maybe it better matches a set they are trying to put together. taste in transmog is entirely subjective.

and the fact that legacy raiding is as busted as it is, is precisely -why- people try and farm their transmog when its current. because otherwise, they could be waiting 4+ years before they can reliably farm it solo.

but yeah, i’m sure they will be fine, after all. everything is possible with enough stacks of determination.

Glad to see this is getting fixed. It’s not that rare, at least for us, since it’s been happening every night.

We have 28 players on our raid team, so normally get 5 or 6 pieces of loot per boss.

Except when we get 4 pieces, instead. Which happens once or twice per clear. And it’s different bosses every time. This week we got 6 pieces off Heroic Broodkeeper, last week we only got 4. With the same number of players.

I put in a ticket the first time it happened, they said to submit a bug report, which I’ve been doing. Would be nice if we could get those missing items back, but I know that’s not going to happen.

Nice that it’s getting fixed… just wish it was happening sooner (or had never happened at all).

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this wording makes me think you wont ever be able to get two of the same weapons when you should be able to as a dual-wielder but i hope im getting it wrong heh

The next sentence explains it. It will let you own 2 of the item “at least as powerful” (so have fun looking for transmog if you do Normal+ and get the same weapons)

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nice! i went into panic mode before reading the whole thing lol

I always find it curious that people fabricate conversations where 100% of “people” agree on their opinion, then suddenly 100% change to another opinion, then again suddenly 100% change to yet another opinion. It’s almost as though different people have and voice variety of opinions, and they aren’t actually the hivemind that you’re trying to convince people they are.

Or do you actually believe that you are the only player with a legitimate opinion, and everybody else agrees with the hivemind 100%, and they all change together, just to annoy you?


3/5 of the notes here are bugfixes.

So no more doing LFR for transmog?

Please rethink this change.


Yeah, revert to the original post from beta, of “the exact same item at the exact ilvl”

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How are people still saying this stuff? It’s flat out untrue and was disproven weeks ago. If you roll at the last boss and win you’ll get your item in the mail. You don’t need to stay in the raid.

So many complaints from people who don’t even understand how the system works…

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Going thru 2 lfrs with not a single thing i could need on…

Well that sucked. Bad loot tables! Bad!

The weapons that drop are irrespective of your loot spec. If you run as Fury spec, you should be eligible to roll Need on all 2h Str weapons, and all 1h Str weapons, and as of now you should be able to get 2 versions of all of those weapons.

Setting Loot spec to Arms doesn’t affect what drops, doing it simply means you’re locking yourself out of rolling on any 1h Str weapons that do drop. There’s no downside to staying Fury. Although the Vault roll works differently, so if you want 2h weapons only from the Vault, you’ll probably want to be Arms at the time you open the Vault.


overall I am happy but I wish the following hotfix was made:

  • Players who roll Greed on an item they can equip, will be prioritized to win that item, if they have not yet collected the transmog for that item (over players that are rolling greed on the item strictly for the purposes of vendoring the item for gold or disenchanting the item).

and yet you never fix the biggest issue and that is actually getting loot…