Group Loot in Raids

I find it interesting in how you went from assuming I claimed “100%” of anyone believed anything.

Then you suddenly took it to the extreme in assuming your own opinion of what I wrote followed the false narrative to which you’re referencing.

Enlighten me where you drew your (far fetched) theory?

I was drawing humor from the forum threads I’ve read over the years pertaining to the subject I was referencing.

My belief is Blizz could move something so insignificant such as a stone outside of Orgrimmar or a tree outside Stormwind and there will most assuredly be at least one person who would go out of their way to make a thread to complain about it.

Your claim I believe “everyone is a hive mind” is comical and over dramatic.

You do you though boo. :joy:

Way to disincentive anyone above lfr loot from doing lfr.


Go back to personal loot.
Put bonus roll tokens back in.
When you do get loot to drop, you get 4 pieces, choose 1.
Let us use multiple rolls on one boss (if we already got loot from the corpse can only use 1 roll).

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Dear OP,
I am a fan of personal loot. What I have seen in the raid:
3 of the same pieces drop, only one person can need on them
Loot dropping that no one in the group can use
People fighting over loot drops
3 weeks no loot for a spec dropping
Did I mention people fighting and bad feelings (even though the loot rules are very fair?)


For the record,

How many weeks did it take for you to address this and acknowledge it publicly?

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Please just go back to personal loot.
Tired of all the drama the current system causes.


They don’t design anything for you.

This is an Echo/Liquid Game.

Take it and tell them you love it.

Thank you for clarifying. I did not understand how the system works. It’s certainly not clear that that is how it works.

In any event, I’m not quite sure what the point of LFR is other than to charge up Tuesday’s vault. I’ve killed something like 22 LFR bosses so far across two characters. Loot I’ve won: zero.

One of the biggest frustration points is just not enough loot drops in raids.

Right now it’s 1 per 5, and tier tokens are 1 per 10.

What if tier tokens were in addition to the 1 per 5 loot ratio instead of included in it?

20 man kills on tier bosses drop 2 tier and 4 other items (6 drops total) instead of 2 tier and 2 drops (4 drops total).


What they should have done was add a transmog button, if you hit it and win, it generates a cosmetic only that gives you the tmog, but doesnt take away a real item drop.

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What’s interesting is all of this headache could have been avoided if it had just been personal loot like it has been for years now. I know you guys make the argument that we will end up getting more gear with group loot but overall numerically this is just absolutely wrong.

From my experience and being the huge altoholic that I am, I’ve always been able to reliably gear up all my alts fairly quickly with personal loot. It’s strange, it’s like I could rely on it to be geared up by X time. But now it feels absolutely dreadful just attempting to get any gear with group loot.

I really wish you guys would understand how much better personal loot is for this type of content rather than trying to stick to your guns on this one.


Just bring back personal loot for LFR. It isn’t the kind of environment that lends itself to reasonable negotiations about loot, either between players or for individuals. I’m not going to sit there and consider whether to need/greed on an item like one might in a guild group. I don’t have to care about the group getting stronger overall. So I therefore will only consider the loot roll from the most selfish point of view. And that just kind of sucks for the overall mood of the LFR experience. You’re putting the onus on me to be selfish. I shouldn’t be feeling bad about winning loot.


At the end of the day, players should have been given a choice. There are a fair number of us who were fine with personal loot. And if given the option, our group would have started with PL and then flipped to Group Loot later on. As it is, because of these bugs, we cannot trust the system , so our current rules are: Need if it’s an upgrade and you can’t/don’t Need it, pass and the Raid Lead will do open rolls for any item that is passed on. We are just extremely lucky we have built a lot of good will as far as fair loot distribution, and our team is pretty mature when it comes to loot.

Blizzard literally made our lives infinitely more burdensome, when we just could have had our old “PL, and whisper the RL if you want to offer the item for roll."

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to loot distribution. Aside from Blizzard-managed random groups (LFG/LFR) which should be PL, all player managed groups should have the option to choose which loot distribution method works for them, whether it’s personal loot, group loot or master looter.


Thank you for clearing this up

None of which would be needed in the first place if they did the sensible, non-stupid thing and just left personal loot in random content alone.


You can effectively have PL in that content. Getting from PL to GL is an order of operation swap, and asking the player if they want something instead of assuming yes.

If anything, This new bugfixed GL is BETTER than PL at ensuring that the people who the item is an upgrade for actually get the items.

You had a higher chance at leaving that raid with something than you do now.

I still havent gotten any loot from any boss for my main but thank god for the vault thingy at least. >.>


Eh, let’s separate out things that aren’t actually connected.

Things like “removed trading restrictions”, “priority for those who don’t already have tier sets”, or “lower priority for those who already have the item” are not tied to Need/Greed, and could be fairly easily implemented in Personal loot.

And things like “normalize the droprate of rings/necks vs regular armor items”, would requires a complete re-write of how PL works.