Hello, I have a group of about 6 to 8 guys looking for a home to hang out, socialize and do some raiding. We are a little bit older, mostly in the mid 30s range looking to enjoy all that classic has, since our rose glasses are so thick. Many of us have been AOTC at least raiders that just want to get away from the retail fest for a calmer pasture. We would prefer a social guild, as thats important to us as a whole. Raiding is a must, as its what draws most of us to the game still. Below you can find contact info, classes and times we would be looking for.
Availability: Friday and Saturday evenings are essentially needed. As our schedules conflict, this isn’t something we can fudge.
Hunter - 1
Warlock - 1
Paladin/Shaman - 1(depending on faction, obviously/)
Warrior - 1
Mage - 1
Undecided - 1
You can reach me here, on Bnet at Kryptodro#1791, or DM me on Discord at Kryptodro#3083.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to speaking to you.