Group Harassment

As my original post was deleted before I could edit the names out of the post. See the below original post, excluding the player names.

Good evening, as a veteran WoW player, I don't take any pride in having to write this type of ticket. I understand as a community that there are times where players will experience issues with each other. As a manager myself, I understand that I can't control whether all of my associates get along. I preface this ticket by saying this because what happened to me today impacts me as your Customer very severely, enough to where I felt the need to reach out. It is truly astonishing and discouraging me to continue playing.

At approximately 06:45 AM (EST) on 11/7, I was selected to be a healer of a random dungeon group. I've qued for these hundreds of times as they are an excellent way to break up questing and have a great pay off for gear/experience. The group I was with was very quiet, in fact, other than mentioning a quick shout out about being OOM, we didn't speak at all. The group looked like a guild group of Frostmourne, which I didn't mind. In fact I prefer guild groups as most of the time they come across as ready to push the dungeon quickly.

So to get to the meat of the story. We arrived at the last boss, everything had gone perfectly well. Seconds before the boss is killed for me to be rewarded for the experience and receive the boss loot, I was removed from the group by majority vote. Without any reason in chat, or a specific event to happen to provide reason to the kick, I was left speechless. At first I thought we had killed the boss and I was auto-removed from the instance. It was then I noticed in fact I had been removed.

I ticket this as harassment for the reason that this is bully behavior of a guild group in LFG doing whatever they want for the sake of having the power. Since I work full time, and on third shift, my time I get to play on WoW is limited to a few minutes after work each day. As this was my only instance I would be able to run after work tonight, it's extremely frustrating the power trip this particular group was on.


I've been your customer for a very long time. I value your obsession to serve the Customer with creative content and truly a fun game. Please don't let this experience that I've had, be a reason to lose a Customer.

For the sake of knowing who the parties were that were involved in the group, see the list below.

*Names are removed for the sake of Forum compliance*
(Blizzard, please reach out and I'll have the names saved.)

Thanks in advance
