They could just put in AI chat bots to make you happy. Also, nice job sidestepping what I actually said so you could make your strawman argument. You’re the one who wants to chained down to the capital city begging for people to join your group. I want to go out and do stuff, enjoy the world, you’re asking for a regression in game design. Move on from the past.
So you can enjoy the world regardless. If you want to do a dungeon interact with others. What’s so great about mindlessly speed clearing dungeons? I just don’t get it. Is doing dead mines at level 15 the pinnacle of gameplay? Do you need to do it constantly 24/7?
I don’t even understand why anyone would WANT to have blizzard spend money on old content instead of giving us more new stuff.
To me this isn’t a problem at all. It is the logical outcome of a successful game that keeps adding new content.
I can enjoy the world more knowing I can jump into a dungeon, raid, or battleground whenever I want. And the rest of the stuff you said is meaningless nonsense that you made up entirely on your own because you can’t keep yourself constrained to what I actually said. Stop making up these inane strawman arguments.
…To the accountants who realized they could make a few bucks off the “rose colored glasses crowd” for a minimal outlay.
As for your topic, I believe blizzard did listen to the majority…you just weren’t it. After all, RPG doesn’t stand for “Requires Playing in Groups”.
That’s because we want more new content instead of having most of the expansion time spent rebalancing older content. Either that or they’d have to significantly increase the content drought at the end of the expansion so they could have more time to rebalance everything to take into account any class changes.
Not everything is a straw man argument. Again if it’s about accessbility and you don’t interact with others why not have dungeons with 4 npcs or lfr with 24 npcs? It would be instant queue and 100% success. That’s the next evolution to this. Heck they even had a bg brawl against all npcs.
You keep making up stuff that I didn’t say. So yeah, you’re strawmanning pretty hard.
See this? Strawman nonsense. You know it’s nonsense and has nothing whatsoever to do with anything I’ve said. You can’t constrain yourself to what I actually said and have to keep bolting on inane arguments.
You all realize you we could all have what we want right? We could have some servers that have no group finder that are separate from those that do.
The group finder is essentially the same thing as spamming trade for a group, only it doesn’t clutter up the chat window. OP, I really don’t understand what you’re on about. If you don’t like the finder tool, don’t use it. Wait for Classic and spam trade.
Classic has been redeveloped primarily for IP protection, and would have been so regardless how many people are or aren’t interested in it.
Only if Blizzard takes Gnomes with it.
That’s a false dichotomy and you know it. Many other MMOs simply do not have these problems. This is a design problem at its core. And again- the amount of time taken to rebalance old content is being overstated, especially in comparison to the amount of time it took to create the content in the first place. We’re talking about adjusting some numbers in a table, once they implement a framework for it. You’re just making excuses for them. Plenty of other games manage to add new content without making the old content irrelevant or even inaccessible. The cost of an expansion ($60) should fund the content it contains. The $15/mo sub fee is ostensibly for maintenance. If they don’t want to do the maintenance then I am not sure why they are charging the sub fee.
But go ahead and excuse poor business practice (we’re talking about a massive corporation here) AND poor overall game design. The effort of the artists, modelers, level designers, writers, voice actors, etc. going to waste on the huge amount of ‘old’ content simply because you prefer to treat the content in this game like a consumable to be enjoyed once, at one time period, and never again, as opposed to how it works everywhere else.
I did watch some of the classic streams. I noticed in the world chat people spamming for peeps. Seems very tedious to me. I would rather just que for something if I need to and go about my business.
That’s why for years people on these very forums would post a “WALL OF NO” saying it will never happen. People’s posts would be downvoted to oblivion and reported. They would be called all kinds of names and look at it now, we’re 3 months away. The main draw to classic which all the people playing are discussing is the community aspect.
Then go play Classic in August if you want a WoW without LFD/LFG/LFR.
Or…maybe we could get Pristine realms which are separate WoW servers that have things like LFD removed from them.
Having the community be at odds over this issue is nonsensical. We criticize the horde/alliance conflict yet continuously fail to advocate for common solutions that would benefit us all in game lol.
These forums are to discuss topics and voice our opinion to Blizzard. Telling me to go play classic doesn’t change the current game. It’s just trying to shut down discussion.
That doesn’t require talking, it requires paying attention.
Not really. And you keep pointing to “other MMOs” as if they have the exact same architecture as WoW.
They would need to redo nearly every single raid and dungeon encounter prior to this expansion. They’ve changed/removed/added so many abilities that old encounters simply wouldn’t be doable as they stand now. Just look at the nightmare that was MC LFR for the 10th anniversary. That was just one raid that they didn’t really try to rebalance and it was a dumpster fire.
The effort didn’t go to waste though, it was enjoyed while it was current, and people can still enjoy it by going back to it.