Group Finder Needs to Go

You don’t have to imagine it. Join a random PUG in the group finder or start on yourself. It’s the same thing, except a PUG leader manually clicked on people to add them instead of a system putting the group together.

What if the system kept that in mind by letting players choose to group with “experienced” players? Or in FFXIV they give a bonus to the group when new people join to offset the increased time it takes to teach them the fight.

You can’t design a game around unreasonable expectations.

First point, it’s actually still different. There are a lot of people that would prefer not to say anything to each other and hope that they could again brute force their way through the boss. Mekka isn’t the boss to do that.

Second point, I still don’t think it could work. And personally I’m kind of against the system overall. I didn’t really mind LFD when they introduced it in Wrath, but I think they went too far with it. Outside of Mythic raiding, there’s really no reason to be on a specific server or be in a guild due to changes like this one.

And for the third, there’s really no reason to not expect to get ganked and camped in warmode. It’s part of the World PvP package.

The main issue with that is that is that it is directly opposed to the concept and design of LFG content.
Blizzard have made it clear in the past that the philosophy of LFG content is that it is intended to be “unfailable” that is to say as close as possible to a 100% completion rate.

That is why current content is significantly lower in difficulty to past expansions. It is also why LFR provides a stacking “determination” buff.

You say “people know what they are getting into when they sign up” and I agree with you. But as per Cataclysm’s experience this is absolutely not true.
Cataclysm’s content was considered “too hard” in LFG, that is both Heroic dungeons, and eventually LFR.

Blizzard initially made the statement where they literally said to the player base “git gud”, however within the month completely reversed their opinion, agreed that the content needed to be more completable and first initialised the current design of “LFG content needs ~=100% completion rate”


So much this. With no way to server transfer, If you get into a beef with a guild your toon’s raiding career is toast. Time for a re-roll.

Your statement is not and never will be meaningful because of how incorrect it is.

Go watch some classic streams. Or check out other mmo tanking.

I’ve been a tank having to deal with threat. I’ve been a dps that had to literally stop playing to keep from pulling threat. That isn’t a meaningful decision, its purpose is to throttle dps from doing damage, that is all. I recently checked out old expansions first-hand and I have to say, I am DAMN glad that threat as a mechanic, is marginalized. When your only option as a dps is to stop what you’re doing and just sit there, the design is wrong and needs serious iteration.

Yea by the time you were ready to go in somebody would have to go and drop and when one drops more seemed to follow. Sorry but I don’t miss those days. Besides with CRZ/Sharding the community of our servers is gone anyways.

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Since you’re hellbent on driving away people who use the group finder, I guess you’ll be happy when the game shuts down.

LALALA. The fact that during wod capital cities were booming and single realm, and now it takes 10-20 realms to make it appear that way, but LALALA. For sure the 20 people left on your realm will spam dungeons together. Oh, they can’t, because the time they spend putting together a group and going there and back means that people won’t have time to play the game.

Group finder is just a more structured version of the LFG channel with all the “your mom” removed.

LFR and auto grouping for normal and heroic 5 person is fine as long as the rewards reflect the easier content, which they do.

Cross realm is the problem when it comes to building social networks and creating the sense anonymity that can cause problems.


I can already see the return of people asking for ITL or another rule, to determine who can go with them in a raid or dungeon, without the group finder, if we start sitting in the middle of the cities and scream like idiots, waiting for someone to do it please allow us to join your group, to do a group activity!

Seriously! Nobody wants to talk a lot about BG / DG / Arenas! The environment to hold a conversation, is not where you need to perform dps or heal!

When I’m in a group, it’s my dps they want to see.