Group Finder Needs to Go

It’s probably better for resource management to put 5 people into 1 dungeon instance than 5 separate instances.

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Why do people who want to play together need additional incentives. They could just do it by themselves.

And there already are guild incentives to doing content together.

I really don’t like this idea - it is almost as bad as OP’s because you are going to just give more rewards to the people already doing this for no real reason. And the people who need to use the queue system because of hours of play or whatnot just get left out.

Easy last names

Yes it is. Those other games have the same problem as WoW and I know from playing almost every MMO on the market. FF14 isn’t as toxic, but the dungeon finder there is the same as WoW.

ESO same thing, people drop in and don’t say a word and finish the dungeon without saying a word.

Absolutely 100% false. I have been playing FF14 for almost 5 years and I could likely count on my fingers the number of negative experience I have had, or hell even experiences where no one talked.

Is saying a word in dungeons the definition of community now ?


More topics about group finder needing to go, needs to go.


Perhaps if the community would actually pay attention to topic’s that are not just for show you would have a better selection. Sadly I can’t get a single person to post on a thread I made about a decent idea to improve the game. But man you pick a flashy topic and you have 40+ people coming out of the wood work to post on it NP and it sits on top forever. If you want a better selection of topic’s then actually post on the ones that are different. The ones that are trying to do something.

As for this guy, it a shock value topic. It’s not trolling because it is a legitimate topic to talk about, but it’s basicly a outlet for people to complain. I know exactly how he feels, cause sometimes you just want to be heard.

It can’t be denied that we’ve pretty much stripped the game down to the point where there’s no point in joining a guild or being on a specific server outside of Mythic raiding. And to a much lesser degree wanting to RP.

Not true at all! I remember being in Vanilla and queuing up in Ironforge. The first half of Vanilla, you had to go to the entrance of the BG, but by the end of Vanilla, you didn’t. I didn’t do it often, but when the GM said he wanted us to go, I went and had fun. I remember standing in the Military Ward and queuing into WSG from there at the Battlemaster.

Everyone loved the change in PvP queuing because it allowed you to queue for more than one at a time. I don’t recall if it was two or all three…but it was a big deal when they changed it, and I want to say it was for like the second half of Vanilla. Maybe when AQ came? that patch? I don’t remember.

As to LFG, I still don’t think it’s the issue. I think Cross-realm is what did it, and LFG just takes the blame.

I made wizard oil the other day leveling professions on an alt, and I was utterly surrounded by other toons my level who could’ve used it and probably would’ve appreciated the damage boost it gives. I couldn’t find a single person I could trade with because not one of them was from my server group. More than 30 players around me that I’m looking at in my “shard,” and I couldn’t trade with any of them.

I hope…fervently…that when next expansion comes, they take the layering they’re using for Classic and apply it to current servers. Squish it. I know it’s harsh but I don’t care about the loss of unique names anymore. That’s so much less important at this point than the detriment to gameplay of having all these dead, empty servers and not being able to trade. I want closed servers again. It would solve a lot of issues that get erroneously blamed on other things (like LFG).

Disclaimer: I disagree with pretty much everything he said.

BUT by his comment I think he meant you could not queue while being in any random place, but rather in a specific place.

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Oh! I misunderstood, then. I read it as: “There was never a place you could queue from until Wrath.” I see what he means reading it with different emphasis, and I’m sure you are right. Thank you.

It was HUGE when we could queue from the cities instead of flying to Arathi or grabbing a portal to Darnassus and then flying out to Ashenvale…just so you could stand around the entrance to the BG to wait instead of getting things done in IF while you waited.

And I have seen people saying it prevents WPvP, but honestly, you enter these BGs from separate waygates right next to your own faction’s FPs. There was very little WPvP at the entrances anyway. The only exception was the one up the hill from Tarren Mill, but that was the nature of Hillsbrad…not because of the BG entrances. That was the intersection of Horde and Alliance quest zones in one place so it was a natural bottleneck for PvP encounters.

Sigh. I’m looking forward to it again. /grin

So, you are saying this is going to happen: The removal of LFD, LFR, Premade finder and queuing for arenas and bgs?

Just because Blizzard might listen doesn’t mean every suggestion is logical or good for the game.


The vast majority of the community never visits the forums.


A dungeon will never be a solo player experience as it requires 5 players to que, not just 1. If they started using AIs to fill the other 4 roles then yeah it may be a solo experience. Just because you dont talk often doesn’t make it solo no matter how hard you try to spin it that way.


Automatic no.

Yeah, this I think is a good counter point. I don’t personally mind having an incentive to run with your community.

BUT…for small servers, this would create an unfair disadvantage I think.

Again, good point. Thank you for the insight.

Um, no one talks in FF14 duty finder dungeons, you are lying. They might say hi, but it is nothing like it was in Vanilla. FF14 doesn’t have negative experiences because “NO ONE TALKS”!!!

FF14 has the same issues WoW has because they copied their LFD tool.

You all wonder why MMOs are losing their flavor with gamers, because there is hardly any reasons to socialize in them anymore. All of it has been replaced by automated grouping that has very little requirements to use. This is great from a game play stand point, but it KILLS socialization.

People are playing other genres because those games require you to socialize. I made more friends in OW the last 3 years than I did in WoW the last 8-9 years. WoW is a boring game to me, the developers neutered it trying to chase people exactly like yourself that only runs LFR 1 time then just slobbers on their keyboard doing World Quests and pet battles.

Meanwhile you’ll believe any bad rumor about Blizz, no matter how far-fetched.

I don’t think the current expansion is “awesome”, but that data leak was clearly nonsense.

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In my however many dadgum years I’ve been playing at this point, I have never seen someone booted for asking for help. BG’s have had toxic attitudes in chat for years at this point.

And yes, people do talk in LFG/LFR. And it’s almost never negative Nancy stuff either.

You’re exaggerating and you know it.

You have your option: go to Classic and leave the live game alone.