Grobbulus RP-PvP Horde <Archon> Recruiting Old and New Players!

We are a group of people that played on the RP server Scarlet Crusade from launch till TBC. We will be a raiding guild and have about 25(Over 30 since this post) interested so far that we played with in the past and people we have not played with from IRL. The core of the guild was in Naxx up to the four horsemen until TBC dropped. We opened the gates of AQ on our server and had a great time and made great friends for life during this time. So the majority of the guild will be adults that are 30+ but we are not limiting the guild to adults at the moment but no one under the age of 16 if possible because of discord/guild chat.

There will be pvp groups in the guild…people can raid or just pvp if pve is not their thing. We love doing group PvP in our off time with all the sweet loot we will be getting from raids but our main focus is raiding.

We are taking in anyone interested at this time till we know we have enough to fill out the raid roster and have a few extras. We have alot of east coast members that have full time jobs and kids so we will starting our raids around 8:30est to 9est(Tues/Thurs/Sun). So for you west coast folks it would be 530 or 6(we will revisit this once we are live and we get close to going into onyxia and mc together. We will tune the guild as needed when we get to that point.

We are going to use a loot council system thats also based off attendance with input from class leaders, officers, and randomly selected raiders each raid as well.

If interested Please reply and add me on battlenet… I will get in contact with you as soon as possible. I will invite you to a battlenet channel for the guild and will give out discord information from there.

We are super excited and hope to see you soon!

Guild Master Dizzle (future troll priest) Dizzle#1954 :slight_smile:


Do you know what day/days you’d be looking at for raiding?

nothing is fixed yet but the plan is tuesday, thursday, and sunday possibly if we need another day depending on how much content we have on our plate. Later on when AQ comes out we plan on doing MC possibly BWL on fridays after its past farm for alts and legendary farming possibly using gold dkp if theres enough interest.

Need a Shaman or a mage? those are the 2 classes I’ve been going back and forth between maining for a while now, and i’ll likely have the one i don’t pick as an alt.

For leveling, what is your median expected calendar date to hit level 30, 45, or 55?

Im not rushing anyone but 3 months for 60 is about the minimum if you want to get in on the ground floor. Some of the members will not have time to get there fast but the ones that do we have another guild we are going to work with to fill out raids till we are ready.

Joyoshi, we could definitely use some shaman but play what you like :slight_smile: Are you the Joy that used to play on Scarlet Crusade? Regardless of that though add me on battlnet (Dizzle#1954) and i will get you sorted out if you are interested.

Great to hear that you plan to partner with another guild in the early phase, while leveling, so that the fast levelers can get some early tries on the raids.

yeah…we managed to get a discord of a large part of the scarlet crusade community and coordinated for the other guild that was also forming to be on the same server and faction so we can lean on each other when needed.

hello. i will be maining a resto shaman and am interested in your guild. i started playing in wotlk so i never got to enjoy classic wow. i am looking to do all activites, wpvp, bgs but mostly raiding and dungeons.

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Hi Dizzle,

I will be maining a warrior tank/fury and making an alt warlock. I enjoy raiding and PvP. Cant call myself hardcore since I am 30+ and have a life, but I definitely will be active and maybe more so than casual. I am on west coast pacific timezone, but would like to join the guild.


Hello Dizzle,

I will be playing a warlock and is very interested in joining at launch. I have played since burning and still play to this day as a warlock. I look forward to joining.


well my battlenet name is up top…add me and i can get you on the discord. if you have not already that is.

Hey Dizzle,

A friend and I (and a few others) are rolling on Grobbulus and looking for an established guild. We’ve played together on Emerald Dream for years and are excited to get into the Classic experience. We’ll probably have 5-6 people who would like to raid together, but have no solid commitment from the other 3-4 yet. We actually ran a 25m raiding guild on Kel’Thuzad for years named Archon so this feels like a calling.

I’ll be dual boxing Warrior/Priest to 60, and others will be likely another warrior, and a mage. Not sure about the others. Will contact you on Battle net. Thanks!

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Hey Dizzle,

I wasn’t a member of Archon, but I did play on Scarlet Crusade throughout all of vanilla. My experience with people on that server was always awesome but I haven’t been able to find any of the people I played with back then. Would love to join you guys. I sent you an add on

Hey Dizzle,

I started with Warcraft 2, and have loved the franchise since. I started classic on release day, and have played every expansion, even if but briefly (…pandas…). That being said, I don’t have much raiding experience in classic, as I was mostly pvp back then.

I do have a huge amount of raiding experience in WotLK, Cata, Legion, and BFA. That being said, I always loved the talent system in vanilla best. I would love to get some hardcore raiding done in classic.

I plan on maining a priest, as I love to heal. I’d love to join a guild that is dedicated on progression, and I plan to help that by being the best enchanter/tailor I know.

TL:DR - Maining priest. Sorry for wall of text.

we are still taking on a few more people before launch. we are probably hitting the limit on warriors and warlocks currently. so if you are still looking a home for classic, add me on battlenet (Dizzle#1954) and I can answer any questions you may have.

Hi Everyone

Recruiting has been very successful - we are no longer accepting tanks or warlocks at this time.

There are still opportunities for any of the other classes.

Hello there, i am interested in joining up with you all ! I will be playing a Rogue/Priest. Played since Classic all the way up to BFA.

YoungTattedX - Any social media to reach out to me . Thank you for your time. !

whats your bnet? mines up top in the original post, if you want to add me.

Hey, I am interested in joining. Going to be a Warrior main in Classic. Just added you, Bomberr#11897