Grobbulus RP-PvP Horde <Archon> Recruiting Old and New Players!

Hey, my friend and I would like to join. I have been playing since wrath, and he is pretty much new. looking to raid and pvp

just add me on battlenet (Dizzle#1954) then get the discord info when I move you to the Archon Group. Then read the guild info section and do the class survey. After reading the guild info and it seems like what you are looking for in a guild, just hang in discord for updates while we wait for launch :wink:

Sent a request! Maining priest and absolutely conflicted between healing and dps so, whatever we end up needing Iā€™m good to go with.

Request sent. Maining a resto shaman

Request sent. Currently planning on playing a Lock, but I may switch it up and go back to my roots as a Restoration Druid.

i added all new invites on bnet and sent you to the archon group to get the discord info. welcome to the family.

also we have shadow priest and enhancement shaman slots filled for raiding, just to be clear.

Request sent, Warrior tank since 2007. Looking to fill tank/dps. Havent played since Cata . Previous semi hardcore experience in all raid content when it was current from vanilla to MoP. Major fan of mortal striking alliances also :slight_smile:

We are still recruiting all classes except for Main Tank and Off Tank. Add AznClarkKent#1396 on battle net to get in contact with one of our recruitment officers.

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We are still looking for new members! Need healers and DPS. add majjixx1#1505 on bnet or pst muujji in game.

We are looking to boost our active numbers by a little before we start raiding in a couple weeks and doing lots of pre-raid bis runs. So if you are interested please contact majjixx (majjixx1#1505) or myself (Dizzle#1954). We could still use warlocks, mages, shaman, druids and a hunter. I will consider any class though if you have experience and this is the type of guild you are looking for.

I, like Majjixx, started playing in WotLK. I plan on maining a shaman. I can go resto or enhancement which ever would be needed/wanted most. I have been an AOTC raider since wotlk and love to pvp as well. Look for thelintking#1750 friend request.