🐉 Grobbulus Roleplay PVP Guild Listings

NVM, switched over

This is Dreadneck with Grunts, we now have a discord up and running though not very active at the moment. If this could be added to our entry it would be much appreciated. Nice work with this post as well.

The Grim’s recruitment post: <The Grim> [H] Grobbulus RP-PVP

Website: https://thegrim.org
Discord: https://discord.gg/wGxxy6H

Would this happen to be The Grim from Twisting Nether? If so yall’s raids on Redridge and the like were our inspiration for forming Grunts.

About damn time I saw one I recognized. :wink:
I will be quite disappointed if I do not see guilds like Gnometech on Grobby.

I plan to recreate this thread in the Gobby forum as soon as it appears. Any time now would be spiffy, blizzard. taps cane impatiently

It is! waves

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Great! I look forward to running with y’all at some point. My wife and I were in The Ironforge Regiment while on Twisting Nether and your attacks on Lakeshire were great. You would rotate out your front ranks with it looked to be healers in the back. Made for some great times. Glad we’re on the same side this time.

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Heya can you add our guild to Alliance Side

[A] <Stormwind Bar Brawlers> Grobbulus RP-PVP)

Well, I’ve started having difficulty keeping track of the IC channel on my Discord, so I think Hurricane probably qualifies. If you build it, they will come.

Please add:
The Vigiliant Crusade
RP-PVP Paladin Order

Grunts is in game and up and running. Invites are being sent out so just look for a Grunt, we will most likely be the dead or dying ones. That is just our motto in play, We die, so you don’t have to!

Well, the pre launch realm forums we were promised did not happen, and if they stay on course for blocking out non subbed accounts, I will be unable to repost this one if and when the web person actually begins doing their job. (EU got their realm forums before launch, we have seen naught)

Whomever would like to is welcome to copy and paste this info into a new thread when need be. I am disgusted by this rollout.

I regret nothing.

Frostwolf Clan is simply those who wish to be in a community of players who RP and RP-WPVP as members of the Frostwolf Clan!

Realm forum is now available, but I do not have access. Feel free to copy paste if anyone has a mind to move this to there.

There was something funky on their end earlier for following links to there. If you follow the link from https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/ you should be fine.

Please add for Horde side… “Better Call Thrall”, - discord is - https:/ /discord.gg /5jTmNgz


Great name.

Here’s the link to our recruitment post in the forums, and here’s out discord link code, uaCCUaD

We are <The Brawlers Guild>


Hey, as a guild leader of Darkwater Cartel, I just want to say that we are not currently recruiting and are more of a Light-Medium RP Guild. We are community based, more than anything.