Grobbulus is a terrible server name

The community made it political. If you exist right of center left you are called every ist, ism, and ic term possible.

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Ultimately the server name is irrelevant, but the way “Grobbulus” doesn’t really mesh with the other Classic server names does make it seem like Blizzard named it that as some sort of petty last word over making a RP-PvP server.

But like I said, ultimately it doesn’t matter.


We are not all sad players. I am a pretty happy go lucky tauren.

:rofl: Mischief is my middle name, and Grob will be my game. :rofl:

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Now we are looking at the finest epitome of first world problems.


Server names and who or where they are from in the game.

PVE names
*Atiesh - Great staff of the Guardian
*Mankrik - An NPC in Northern Barrens
*Myzrael - An NPC in Arathi Highlands
*Pagle - Nat Pagle -An NPC in Dustwallow Marsh

PVP names
*Faerlina - Grand Widow Faerlina is the second boss in the Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas
*Herod -The Scarlet Champion
*Thalnos -Bloodmage-Thalnos-Scarlet Monastery
*Whitemane - High Inquisitor Whitemane-An NPC in Scarlet Monastery

RP names
*Bloodsail Buccaneers -Booty Bay area
*Grobbulus - The second boss of the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas


The only other name I think I would have rather it have been is the Norris realm.

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What a messy thing to say

On the other hand, because random players pick the “coolest” sounding names, they’re less likely to roll on the server if they’re not specifically looking for the rp-pvp community in some fashion (whether for the rp or non-rpers for the more mature server community it tends to attract). That could work in our favor.


ehhh, i can dig it, it sounds a little funny


Nailed it.

It’s like someone at Bliz is casting shade on the RP-PVP community by naming their home after a gross, all-consuming, slime eating, putrid, obese, faceless monster :skull:

oOo, cromulence…!

It’s ridiculous but it’s there to stand out

Quit all the dang whining… Players are whining about the pettiest sheet over and over again… Just listen to yourselves, actually read your comment… Grow up and chill out!

You think NA has terrible names? You haven’t seen Europe. It’s absolutely horrendous.

I like the Grob.

All the other Naxx boss names were too cool, too many tourists would roll on Grob.

Can’t stop the Grob Mob.

:grinning: hats off to you

People will complain about anything, woof.