Grobbulus is a terrible server name

I think you have every right to complain about it though i think that most people who supported the RP PVP mocment, myself included would be more happy that the server was made then not at all.

To that end the name is important my friend chose the first name because it sounded cool. SKULLCRUSHER

Personally a name is less important to me now than it was in the past and with only one choice it made it pretty easy. In the end i would just call the by the server type more than the name.


Whitemane will undoubtedly attract all the snowflake alt-righters.

I’m fine with an ugly name like Grobbulus as long as we get a good community.


Devil’s Advocate, but imagine they had a list of names relevant to vanilla pre-selected for WOW: Classic. Looking at that list, they realize Grobbulus is likely to attract the least people … but, oh, there’s this vocal group who want an RP-PvP realm and are pretty much claiming they will roll on one if it exists. Perfect matchup - the name no one wants and a realm type where no one gets another choice.


And over the course of 15 years that comes out to less than 1 post a day.
You have “issues” with that ?

I’m a day 1 player.


I take issue with you coming in here telling me to chill and implying I’m taking a video game too seriously because you disagree with my opinion.

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I agree with you, it’s an awful name. I’ve eaten my share of downvotes for saying that.

That said, it’s no longer Grobbulus, it’s Grobby, and we’re all Grobbers. So that’s okay.



The name is actually ingenious. The ERP community and dirty ganking will be fitting for it.


If it wasn’t for the whining there would be no RP PvP server…so if you give in to a crying child (this is an analogy, not calling ANYONE a child) you only approve of the behavior by rewarding it.

Well either Whitemane or Fairbanks will be the PVP streamer server. The only political attachments i have seen in the past is Proudmoore which was the LGBT server for a long time.

ERPers don’t play on PvP servers.


Whats the PVP abbreviation for? :joy:

Rumour I’ve heard is Herod. Apparently they want eastern server to play with EU fans.

Thats interesting. It would make sense though. I know that EU streamers mentioned wanting to play on US as well.

Everyone is just going to shorten it day one.




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You’re entitled to complain about it and others are entitled to tell you you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

Shutup ELF.


I kinda like saying the RP realms are the Bloods and the Grubs.

Separately, EU name for RP-PvP realm is “Zandalar Tribe”. Good grief. Why not just Zandalar? (And the RP realm is “Hydraxian Waterlords”.)

It’s a perfectly cromulent word.

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If you check out the subreddit, it’s already happened. The server is officially Grobby, and we’re all Grobbers. (A grouping of Grobbers is a GrobMob).


the existence of LGBT folk isn’t a “political attachment”

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