It’s less the linearity and more how awful it is with certain affixes, I think.
Although lack of pull/route diversity is kind of…dull?
It’s less the linearity and more how awful it is with certain affixes, I think.
Although lack of pull/route diversity is kind of…dull?
i think the issue is more with the cramped up narrow spaces
…Exactly why you’re concerned with people’s voting reasons anyways?
Yes, there will always be people who will vote for malicious reasons. That doesn’t discredit the people who voted for genuine reasons.
So, after doing a +15, I would say the only real pain point for this dungeon was the final boss. That breath + the completely random void zones really made things way harder than needed.
Now, Kara is absolutely bad. Like, we did 2 keys, and finished neither due to boss issues. Both WOD dungeons feel doable with some practice, and Mechagon feels pretty nice overall.
Hopefully one of those melee was a rogue so he could throw knives at the boss lol
Dear OP,
The answer to your question is… Yes
And yes, to this one as well
Funny enough, i did voted for both Grimrail and Upper Blackrock Spire (if the blue bars on the poll thread are anything to go by), because… well Upper Blackrock spire gave me nostalgia of a bygone era that will never come back. And it’s nice little Leroy easter egg.
Shame it didn’t get picked, and instead that goes to Iron Docks. It’s a fine enough dungeon, but kind of drags a bit on with the walking segments given the size of that place.
You don’t even have KSH. You can’t tell M+ players to git gud.
Lol wut? I got KSM, thats better then KSH which is for +10s. Grimrail depot will be a breeze for people who actually try after a week.
have any of you actually run grimrail yet today?
it’s awful.
lower kara not to great etiher. but grimrail… that was like the 8th circle of hell.
like… we waltzed through a 15 junkyard and a 15 streets no problem. 2 chested both of them.
68 minutes in 15 grimrail with many, many deaths.
awful dungeon.
No, it’s the biggest dev on player troll of all time. The fact that they allowed people who do not do that content to vote on all their level 10 alts suggests that this is the result they wanted, but they didn’t want to take responsibility for making that decision.
Ksh is all 20s
I just like trains.
I’m not gunna attribute Grimrail votes to maliciousness, but yeah there definitely wasn’t a whole lot of foresight there in regards to M+ design.
Especially when the first week is probably the single worst affix combo for it.
Biggest trolling I’ve seen was summoning people to the world arenas and then killing them.
I dunno.
I once made a character, sent it ~100g and some 16 slotters. Parked myself between a low level gear vendor and a mailbox and just mailed thousands upon thousands of 90 copper daggers to my brother and then upon finishing that, deleted the character so he couldn’t simply return the mail.
The power of democracy Triumphs
Yeah I am going to vote for Occulus in dragon flight not to troll M+ players but it matches the theme of the expansion… honestly
Grimrail’s pain is going to be the limited room + affixes.
Kara is just…waaaay over tuned (boss fight wise).
I admire you.
They said they won’t do M+ for (EDIT: Meant pre-MoP) dungeons. They aren’t designed for challenge runs.
Impossible? No. Fun? Also no, but recent decisions seem to indicate that Blizz doesn’t want us having fun anyway.