Grimrail Depot

Is this the biggest player on player troll of all time?

I mean no one in their right mind would vote for the worst dungeon ever for any reason other than trolling M+ players right? Right?


I don’t know if it’s the biggest, used to be able to trick people into getting flagged while they were questing so you could kill them.

But yea Grimrail Depot is definitely a challenge as it wasn’t made for M+ if pugging I recommend just not doing it unless you specifically want a bit of struggle.


Git gud. It’s not impossible.


searching where i said that


I don’t look forward to it.
Not at all.


Our first try Grimrail tonite was 3 melee DPS and a Pally healer. Now that was funny.


I just went through a +12 Grimrail and +2 timed it, it wasn’t actually all that bad as long as we didn’t pull too big, and the Dreadlord mini-boss is easily accessible. The Bosses themselves weren’t that tough either once we got them down.


Also The Occulus says hi

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I prefer the Oculus over Grimrail.

There, I said it.




Player A: "Oh cool! they have my favorite dungeon! Vote. :blush: "
Player B: "OMG YOU’RE TROLLING THE M+players!! :rage: "
Player A: " :face_with_raised_eyebrow: "

I mean neither do any WoD dungeon for that matter really.


I mean, do people just actively choose to ignore the literal hundreds of posters stating they did it to troll M+ers and a lto of people in their discords did as well?

I know dang well you read that thread when it was up Bari.

Yes, there are people who legitimately wanted it - I have a guildie who did. But the majority, without a doubt, were trolls.


Yes, all dungeons before legion are like this, Grimrail just stands out because of it’s compact design on the train and the stairwell leading to the train which are both already made with you dodging aoe in mind, with M+ affix aoes added on top it can seem to some people that’s it’s too much.

It’s definitely a noob check but it’s also really fast

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I’m glad they addressed the motion sickness, but the second boss knockbacks and grenades/etc. are still broken lol.

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N’Zoth made me do it.


yes im sure this is how the votes went

We could have had nice stuff like Upper Blackrock Spire but nope, gotta pick a rectangle instead.

I don’t know, and quite frankly, it’s none of my concern, because i believe voters should vote whatever they want to vote for. In their case, vote for what dungeon they like.

I’m no fan of Shadowmoon Burial Grounds on the account that it’s just not personally interesting to me on the terms of aesthetics and design, as well the first 3 boss encounters, but i’m not going to sit here and claim “everybody who voted for it, are trolling” here, because it would be equally silly as this.

Plus if the people did vote for something, and they ended up only being disappointed in it, they would have nobody but themselves to blame for picking a dungeon they weren’t happy with and will take that and learn it the next time. :man_shrugging:

I will say, they should’ve limit this to active M+ players from the start because it does bring better results.

Okay? Is that a problem? If so, why? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What metric were going by here exactly?

I only seen like a few that admit that they were picking something just for trolling sakes, but that’s like some out of the majority of voters who even spoke up about what they voted for. That leaves an uncounted number of people here that we don’t even know who voted for what.


Why do people have an issue over linear dungeon? Like seriously.