I mean, have Blizzard actually went out of their way (not just rely on reports) and suspend people for admitting they were trolling when they picked that dungeon? Because i would imagine they only just care about people voting, rather then the reasons why.
I wish i can agree with you on this, but nobody i’ve seen aside from you tried consistently applying this principle and only applying it with Grimrail Depot from the look of things. When people are saying “I’m voting for Grimrail depot” and i mean for any reason it may be, there was a palpable backlash to it from a group of people who had their reasons on why they didn’t vote, but also think you shouldn’t vote for that dungeon.
I can’t say for certain this would’ve been the same case if any other dungeon was picked here.
The message would be diluted if it were found out they are just lying. Which puts the ones who are silent, and the ones who are genuine in potential jeopardy here, considering the orgrinal assumption of trolling is if they only announce it and are truthful about it. I know this seems strange describing you like that, but this community has a nasty habit of blaming people, even if it’s not completely true, or even without evidence.
Should the people now be owed to explain themselves why they voted for the dungeon because of the trolls?
…You’re comparing real life weapon threats to trolling???..
The weapon thing has capacity to actually get somebody hurt regardless if it’s a lie or not, of coarse you would be investigated. Trolling doesn’t. At least not the trolling were talking about here.
I’m talking about the people who are genuine that are being lumped in the same group as trolls is what the issue here. They should stay separate from the trolls.
Which two dungeons from Warlords of Draenor would you prefer be added to Mythic+ in Shadowlands Season 4? Elige dos calabozos de Warlords of Draenor que te gustaría que agregaran a Mítico+ en la temporada 4 de Shadowlands. Quais as duas masmorras de Warlords of Draenor que você gostaria que fossem adicionadas à Mítica+ na Série 4 de Shadowlands? poll
Ahh. Alright.

It’s entirely Blizzard’s fault for designing a poll like this, that was clearly troll bait. The vote should have gone only to those who had done mythic+ this expansion.
Blizzard’s fault? Yes.
Should’ve only have Active Mythic Plus players voted? Yup.
Trollbait? No. Not intentionally from Blizzard.
I think this is more of a case of stupidity then malice for Blizzard here.