Grimrail Depot

This dungeon is legitimately unplayable this week. Is anyone going to talk about this? You cant have quaking on this dungeon. Volcanic will be miserable. Tornadoes will be miserable. How is this season released on these affixes and no one thought about how unenjoyable this would be


Same old song and dance every patch. We hear the same complaints saying it’s not doable and in about a month, your complaints don’t exist because everyone is geared up.
wiggles toes

Anecdotal…Some of the people I run with have already timed it on a 15. It is definitely doable this week.

In fact, Raider io has multiple teams that have done it on 18 already (granted, they are all untimed). But there is a lot of timed 16s. It’s not “unplayable”

To me the question is who voted for Grimrail?!
I dont know a single soul who ever liked that place.


I firmly believe that players voted for Grimrail just to troll M+ players.


absolutely, no sane individual that actually runs m+ would want to see grimrail with many of the affixes sanguine in particular is just going to be miserable to deal with in there, not impossible, but purely miserable all the same.

this one is gonna be brutal on necrotic & spitefuls :nerd_face:


Learn mechanics Its ez

First boss kill fairly evenly
Second boss. Kill Adds get items from dead adds shoot cannon win
3rd boss dont stand in lightning its not a buff

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I am perfectly sane individual and we voted for it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This 10x. For sure.

Whoever voted for Grimrail should be permabanned.


I didn’t vote for it. I haven’t seriously done any mythic since season 1.

I figured people wanted a challenge

:dracthyr_comfy_blue: :dracthyr_comfy_black::dracthyr_comfy_blue: :dracthyr_comfy_black::dracthyr_comfy_blue: :dracthyr_comfy_black::dracthyr_comfy_blue: :dracthyr_comfy_black:

Doable? Sure. Enjoyable is a different story. Learn mechanics? Weird. I didn’t complain about mechanics. The affixes do not mesh with dungeon size. Players complain every patch about dungeons? Sure. Do the dungeons end up getting hard nerfed? Yup. This doesn’t require a nerf. It requires a rework, which should of been done before season release.

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Oh no, we thought about it. We knew well in advance that this dungeon would be a literal train wreck. But trolls got their vote, so now we’re stuck with it. Wait for the right weeks, run it twice for score, and then never again.

Tol Dagor would like to have a word with you.

Probably a mix of trolls and people who didn’t play :poop: WoD :poop:

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I just voted for it because I knew people wouldn’t have fun


This might be part of the problem

Does it make people sick though? Motion sickness is my #1 concern here lol

As someone who occasionally only gets motion sickness from games it doesnt hit me in the least.