It is not suppose to be. My point in mentioning the Scarlets is you seem to think Blizzard is villain batting the Horde because they are some POC stand in when in fact white coded characters are just as often hit on by Blizzard. Not because of their precieved POC status.
The Horde got villain batted because they were on the darker sider of the moral scale and and after every questionable thing they did in Vanilla to BfA they finally ended up having to pay for said questionable actions.
Lmao y’all are weird, do better, these are not at all comparable situations or dynamics
Nowhere did I say they were doing it BECAUSE they were POC. Learn 2 read. This is not something I have claimed at any point. They just clearly lack self awareness
And no, the Alliance simply is never villain batted. You know it’s not. The Alliance player is never forced to commit war crimes against the Horde, and in the cases they could be it either gets white washed to the player (eg Horde Genn vs Alliance Genn in BOD), white washed in the narrative and either excused or justified (eg Camp Taurajo, Purge of Dalaran), or simply removed from the Alliance side of the questing (eg Horde players see Alliance NPCs burning Vulpera, Alliance side questing does not have Alliance NPCs burning vulpera but just scaring them away).
And the Horde as a whole has not suffered for what it has done to the Alliance. The Horde player is never forced to be punished/castigated for their part in their Warchief of the week’s conquests.
And the Horde players gets a “it was demon blood, no it was Garrosh, no…ugh it was Sylvanas excuse.” While some Horde players literally get to pursuit a questline where they are apparently against of Sylvanas.
This is the fault of the writers which is the basis for my argument in the first place, as you notice Alliance Impotence Bat is a bullet point right next to Horde Villain Bat.
Cop out.
Stop harassing Horde players when the cause behind your narrative misery is THE WRITERS
Who are writing a story that is attempting to be compelling and for the most part actually try to have some stakes while in the confines of a video game.
It is not harassment to point out the devs./writers have telegraphed the potential chaos both Horde/Sylvanas were capable of since Vanilla and people ignoring it/going along with it and then acting surprise there were actually consequences.
This is the whole reason Saurfang snubs you in the Stormwind Extraction scenario. He scoffs at you for still following Sylvanas and refuses to take your offer to free him because of it.
And both Tyrande and Shandris vocally despise you when you meet them too, should you go Night Fae.
And in both events you mention it amount to no particular consequence. Saurfang eventually rejoins you(once you decided to go rebel) and Shandis end up going " Shandris Feathermoon says: I share your doubts… but I have witnessed them saving lost souls. I believe they can help us." A slap on the wrist at best.
Ah you mean the vanilla fantasy where the Horde were invading Ashenvale trying to take their home. Or helping Sylvanas make a plague to use against both living and undead. Or the fantasy where She was working with a dreadlord, a supernatural entity NO ONE should trust. Guess she never learned from that betrayal.
See it’s useless arguing with you because you genuinely believe the Horde Villain Bat is right and good.
You don’t respect Horde players and our original interest in our faction, nor do you acknowledge how the writers have thoroughly abused the Horde as a faction, the races therein, and the folklore and mythology and cultures they borrow from.
The writers screwed both of us over but you only want to acknowledge your own suffering but refuse to recognize mine.
I mean, he’s not entirely wrong about the semantic argument but my interpretation of the post was “they weren’t punished, or even castigated for it.”
I wasn’t even going to bother with the word punishment since I figured Zerde meant “by the alliance” and wouldn’t count horde civil war stuff as downer content.
The fact that some people are still too brainwashed to realize this baffles me.
You all know that none of this is real right? The players arent the ones making the factions do these things. We’re just along for the awful, awful ride.
What are the implications for singers of the phrase “the authors are the target of dissatisfaction”?
Does this mean that you can sing about the War of Thorns, its aftermath, and no one will say “Shut up, you didn’t get hurt, you should be happy because you have a lot of content, the fact that you don’t like the content doesn’t matter”, if not to mention The Horde as the guilty party and not contemplate torturing the Horde?
Alternatively, it is easier for Horde players to hate writers because the Horde is torturing the Horde. It is impossible to hate ourselves, there are no obvious reasons to hate the Alliance (either the reason is not mentioned, or the actions of the Horde are the reason for the Alliance’s hatred).
Have you now agreed (or something like that, approval?) or blamed me? (Edit) I see two interpretations in the translation of your message and I assume that the second is more likely, but I’m not sure.
Implying I wouldn’t do it willingly at this point. Just one expansion where I get to be the aggressor. Kill off Anduin and throw up another worthless Human on the Stormwind Throne or make the Council of Three Hammers the new leaders. IDC.
Despise is hardly what I’d call Shandris’ reaction. Such a ruined character. Simps for Anduin when he betrayed the Night Elves. Can’t even be allowed to really show hate towards the Horde.
Soon as those stupid Nazmir quests hit the alpha/beta I knew her character was going straight in the trash bin.