Can the Human King(or Emperor as the case may be) thrown onto the Stormwind Throne be a King from an earlier Dynasty that was sealed away by the Wrynn Family for being too tyrannical?
A Human Supervillain Emperor with a White Beard and Crown-like Golden Helmet as well as Golden Gauntlets and Exquisite Red Cape with Golden Trimming who casually blows up Planets and Zones for the laughs and chuckles would be an interesting turn of events to say the least.
By the way: Blizzard consults WoWpedia for Lore(most Devs consult Wikis it seems) so why don’t we use it to get Blizzard to crown such a King of the Alliance?
So, this cycle have to be for all mortal souls, not only for LOA nature gods!!!
But I wonder how does it works? When the souls is out of anima, its being rebirth back to life to gather more anima?
Many Shadowlands folks tells us when some one out of anima and dies that this soul is just going back to cycle. Does that means rebirth ?
We know that souls were created in Shadowlands and Shadowlands is their realm. So basically somehow Shadowlands imports souls into mortal bodies and mortal realms, so that they could gather anima, anima that is being used when the mortal dies and soul is back in Shadowlands… Cycle!
Maybe that is why we missed so many popular druids, shamans and hunters? They all already received rebirth?
Äh, thats wrong. Souls are invented in life and anima is only harvested in death but build up in life
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No the opposite is the case.
Life generates Life, Life feeds into Death, Wild Gods get reborn back to Life, everyone else stays dead and some contribute to keeping Death running
There is no general reincarnation/rebirth for everyone. Only Wild Gods get revived via the Grove of Awakening in Ardenweald.
And maybe nightelfs aswell in the future. But i don’ understand how this should work. I mean, the dream is vast and if they have no idea who they are how should they find their goal - azeroth?
And does this not mean that nightelfs are in a kind of immortality again?
If they rebirths every time now if they die,.nightelf should be grown as a race very fast or is rebirth more like reinkarnation and they came back as such as their were before?
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It’s probably going to be a one-time thing as a favor to Elune from the Winter Queen.
Winter Queen restores all the Night Elves, and restores Teldrassil, maybe magically binds all Night Elves to Ardenweald to super guarantee nobody gets damned again.
Which then (I hope) Blizzard would do the same with the Forsaken with the Primus and Undercity. Primus recognizing because he was reckless/optimistic with Zovaal and Domination magic, an entire kingdom has been produced by magic he invented at the dawn of time, and so takes responsibility for them.
Except we’ve had zero Forsaken/Primus interactions so here we are lmao
I’m not sure because elune drop the “favorite children” line and only then the wq change her mind as she get the information elune gave her her own children to sustain her and ardenwaeld
But i confess, i would like it more as a once in a time event and not “rebirth like a wild god for all eternity”. The wq seems to change her behavior to elune childs every time they appeared in her court. I mean you could argue she “spoiled her nephew rotten” because cenarius got confirmed extra attention no other wild god have gotten and was in no time reborn again (7 years after his death)
No it does. Especially when my post specifically included punishment.
As opposeo to what happened to Jaina(literally being thrown in hell) or Hawthorne being killed by the Horde? People are still calling for Jaina’s head for the Purge when a good chunk of the blame should be on the Horde.
I’m not denying that the alliance has gotten downer content, though.
You were right! I just got my copy today! And three hours after delivery I got an email from Blizzard saying my delivery shipped. Thanks for the update Blizz lol.
Oh damn, Ve’nari killed all the other cartel members in her expedition to the Maw so she could be the only one with the information found therein. Well, that’s one way to get to the top. Good for her.
The purge is laughable in comparison to anything the Horde has done to the Alliance. But let them take it anyway. The fewer named Humans we have in the story the better off the Alliance is.
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You all didn’t prepare me for how funny and rediculous Ta’lora is.
If you are wondering why I contractually required you all to lower my glorious casket- the likes of which no of you could ever hope to afford, it’s so my body could experience you letting me down one last time.
Cuz that moment of joy was shot down two pages later lol
Yeah im on that page now. I just read the top bit. That at least was beautiful…but also the Tauren call themselves “Dawnbringers” and that is very loaded Egyptian mythology.
Again that lends weight to the An’she is Shu comparison to early myth.
Oh! Baine’s mother became a Kyrian and Spiritwalkers have the unique ability to stay as a spirit and prolong the inbetween before joining the Shadowlands purpose. It’s really just that one offensive sentence because Ta’lora finds no evidence on how the Tauren are able to bypass the system… but they can.
No she just was able to not be taken by the Kyrians immediately, didn’t become one. She’s still in Mulgore to watch over Baine until he dies.
You’re misreading friend lol
- Tamaala is not a Kyrian, she’s in Mulgore
- Tamaala was able to ignore the Kyrians and stay in the veil (which we know Kyrians decide whether or not to call Bearers for a soul)
- Tamaala tells Ta’lora of Spirit Walkers
- Ta’lora investigates as she is in Mulgore in the veil
- Ta’lora concludes it’s fake and either Tamaala lied to her or they are prone to Mass Delusion
Not that I adhere to any faith in particular myself. But a bunch of California Leftists labeling a faith system as mass delusion shouldn’t shock anyone.
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The Tauren are “Dawnbringers.” They are closer to Death than anyone. An’she is Shu. In Egyptian myth (first dynasty period not later reinterpretations where Shu is Horus or Horus-Set as he was later called) Shu is the son of Ra, who was bitten by Apep, the serpent of chaos. He died and went to rule the Underworld as the God of Death. His job night after night is to pull the sun on the sunboat through the underworld. Shu was worshipped in the first dynasty as “the Dawnbringer”. If Dawn came his fight with chaos was victorious he was worshipped as a good heroic character despite the fact that he was bitten and polluted by chaos, although later interpretations split him in two beings Osiris and Set. Osiris being his good half tied to Life and Set being his bad self tied to Death, but by the late 18th dynasty these two ‘emanations’ were remerged back into Horus-Set. Dawnbringer mythology is heavily tied to lots of interpretations of the Khaoskampf.
That’s very similar to The Eyes of the Earth Mother myth where An’she was mortally wounded by The Shadow or ‘the Old Ones’
Bringing of the Dawn in WoW is tied strongly to defeating The Lich King or Death itself. It’s the Light’s War on Death. This is Foreshadowing big Tauren involvement in defeating Death. I’m thinking on the same scale as the whisps protecting mount Hyjal from Archimond only this time it’s Tauren spirits vs the Jailer to protect Azeroth, The Earthmother.
Mark my words, that may be something exciting to look forward to.
i doubt that the tauren as a race will play…any role in defeating the jailor.
I mean my theory that Night Elves would get Winter Queen special treatment while Forsaken would get Primus special treatment was half right lmao
Nah it’s safer to assume Horde-side races will get zero meaningful cosmic development this expansion at this rate.
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I understand not getting our hopes up. I really do. It’s a nice idea but you are right there’s no hint that we will get anything but shafted like always.
Eternal optimisim is my fatal flaw.
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