So prodigious have been the effects of the Jailer’s recent influence upon the Shadowlands that it seems absurd to consider that, for the most of our own history, there was very little evidence to show that such a being even existed.
Because he wasn’t always the Jailer. There didn’t exist a Jailer before he became it.
Why did this book have to be delayed again? There’s nothing new here…
the blurb above that’s a real fancy way of saying nothing.
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It was supposed to be released before Sanctum of Domination and the appearance of the Nathrezim so of course it wasn’t going to say anything!
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They sold us a book to tell us nothing (except that the horde is stupid and wrong.)
that’s basically it.
I was hoping they would focus on the furriery rights of more than just four races.
it’s not even new information either, I felt like we could all assume Night Elves turn their dead into fertilizer, Goblins are buried with piles of money. Kul Tirans are buried a sea (duh,) and Tauren burn their dead, if that wasn’t evident enough in the Tauren starter area with the pyres and mumified cows. Also this book was seriously lacking in Forsaken content.
I’m fairly certain they said at one point it would be the funerary rites of all the races in one interview
that’s what i thought too, I was excited for more Forsaken stuff and the Sylvanas page is just a whole lot of words about nothing.
But the horde villain bat has always been a part of the horde? It’s literally in the horde’s DNA.
Vanilla: More bad than good or at least enough to outweigh the good (attacking Ashenvale, pretty much everything the forsaken do/have done)
*BC: Dunno myself
*Wotlk: Evil horde (remember that one horde commander that struck alliance forces in the back when they were beating back the scourge? Remember Garrosh only getting mad at them because they hit the alliance in the back instead of engaging in honorable combat? Keep in mind the commander of the Orgrim’s hammer was fully supportive of the action after he found out and the dying horde NPC’s thought it glorious as well. The whole wrathgate incident (may or may not have been Sylvanas but it sure was forsaken).
*Cata: Doesn’t need much explanation
*MoP: Horde willingly follows garrosh up until he starts hurting the horde itself
*WoD: Effectively tells us orcs are evil as part of their nature via the bloodlust and the actual expansion storyline.
*Legion: Sylvanas dealings in Odin’s territory while we need Odin’s favor to save the world.
*BFA: well, we all know this one.
The horde being evil has either always been a thing, or was always a very, very near possibility. Like you, I am and have always been disgusted at them so very obviously being POC coded in comparison to the more euro-centric alliance but… the horde was never really all that good. At best one might be able to say it and the alliance were on similar moral levels at points but even that is a tough sell considering the mercy after WC2.
I feel as if you’ve missed his point.
Because the intent was anti-heroes with POC coding.
If you wanted your Lawful Good Heroes Western European High Fantasy stuff, you had the Alliance.
If you wanted Chaotic Good Heroes Non-western Traditional Fantasy stuff, you had the Horde.
That’s why that line was walked.
But nope
Blizzard just couldn’t manage it.
Except that:
A. The Elements have been portrayed as lesser than the Cosmic Forces since at least Chronicles. It’s not new.
B. Shamanism isn’t limited to the Horde.
When’d you get hired by Blizzard?
Shaman was the OG Horde-only class.
The Alliance has zero racial leaders or important characters that are shamans.
The Horde’s arguably most important character is the face of shamanism.
Blizzard has been tearing the Horde down and making them lesser than the Alliance since Legion at minimum.
This is just more of that.
Well, they have had a lot of openings recently…
Yeah. 17 years ago. And it stopped being the case 14 years ago. Catch up.
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Sounds like you’re the one who’s behind.
Yeah man like Explicit Shamans of the Alliance are Nobundo (a Broken) and some Dwarves and Kul Tirans can be shaman class and Tidesage religion is Shamanistic-ish but they haven’t been stated to identify as such like Draenei and Dwarves.
Remember there is:
- Shamanism the in-game religions
- Shaman the class based on the lore of the in-game religion
Whereas Horde Shamans include Orcs (core race of the Horde), Trolls, Tauren, Vulpera.
And the Earthen Ring aka the Shaman Organization is originally a TAUREN organization.
Thus Tauren are the first Shaman on Azeroth. Both religion and class.
And the book disrespects the religion.
And if they aren’t, Trolls are.
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If only the devs cared to confirm one way or another like they did Malfurion being the first druid period and Tauren lying lol
But Ve’nari’s camp isn’t there during the L50 intro to the maw storyline, when you’re trying to escape the very first time.
Ve’nari made a deal with Zovaal and that’s how Zovaal got free.
I’m tellin’ youse guyse.
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Or I don’t think any of the rest of your points matter.
They suggest that Shaman are still basically Horde only, because there aren’t “important” Alliance shaman. Even though they have four races that can be shaman.
Which is subjective to begin with. And which apparently makes paladins not Alliance only, solely because Liadrin exists.
It’s dumb. A slight against shamans is not just a slight against the Horde.