<Grievance> (H) looking for more

What are you guys looking for? Kinda missing my home :slightly_smiling_face: Hope everyone is well!

Whatever you want to play, Abri! Come home, we miss ya. <3

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Some of the Shadowlands announcements are shaping up to be quite captivating. We are really interested in seeing where they take some of this. If you are looking for a new home before Shadowlands comes out we would be happy to have you here at WoW-H Grievance.

Iā€™m returning casual player looking to get back into the game again. Been a few years and looking for a new place to call home. I have a few 90+ Alliance Characters on Proudmoore and looking to play a bit more Horde this time around. Still looking for just casual play with the occasional PVP or Dungeon Group.

Grievance!!! I love you!!! Shadowlands is going to be awesome with you.

Shadowlands is now just less than two months away! We are looking to, as always, be an active and enjoyable presence in Shadowlands. If you are looking for a new guild home, come check us out!

What covenant will you choose? These new animated shorts have been really good, and helpful in getting to know each of the new Shadowlands covenants. We here at Grievance hope you are interested in coming and checking this and many other new features out with us!

Well as most of you have seen by now, Shadowlands is delayed. However, hopefully this will allow Blizzard the time they need to get us a smooth launch. With the prepatch, however, right around the corner on the 13thā€¦if you are looking for a guild home to come check out the changes there we would be happy to have you!

While I stopped playing about 6 months ago (been playing since vanilla, just needed a break - may come back for SL, still debating it), I was in this guild right up until I quit and LOVED IT. Awesome people, zero drama, and plenty of activities. I absolutely, emphatically, 100% recommend this guild!

@Grievance - hope you guys are all doing well! :grinning:

Narghul! Hey, hope you are doing well and hope to see you back!

Well prepatch is finally here! Woohoo! Got a lot of people checking the game out again, and if thatā€™s you and you are looking for a guild home we would be happy to have you around.

I would be interested in talking to someone from your guild. I have been playing since bc, with some breaks thrown in mostly due to lack of community.

I have 3 buddies who are included and weā€™re looking for a family to join, not a guild just for numbers.

Would love to talk. Iā€™m at work so discord would be best.


I think I was a apart of your community at one time but due to my work hours it didnā€™t work out. But now I have a new job with better hours where iā€™m on in the evening instead of very late at night. If I could talk to someone about maybe rejoining that would be appreciated.

Hey there. Hop onto our forums(link in the first post), and it will get you info on getting setup on discord. We would be happy to talk to you from there.

We are now just a little under 3 weeks until Shadowlands. We are looking forward to getting up and going in this expansion and see what it has to offer. We would love for some of you to come and check it out with us. Come join us!!

It is now only 8 days until Shadowlands, and it is creeping up fast. We plan to hit the ground running as long as we arenā€™t in Turkey Comas that week! If you are looking for a guild home for Shadowlands and beyond, come check us out!

Are you still open? Donā€™t see the forums in the 1st post

Are you guys still recruiting? Your raid times work out really well for my friend and I.

Thanks for the inquiries and we are recruiting at grievancegaming-dot-com(forums can get iffy on emedding links)

Shadowlands is well underway and we are having a great time consuming the new content. We hope to have you all come check us out!

Iā€™ve recently returned for Shadowlands and looking for a new home as my server is pretty dead. Been tryign to find where to transfer to and Grievance sounds like a great fit!. Iā€™ve been playing a rogue off and on my whole wow life from release and Iā€™d love to try and make a home on Thrall with you guys