<Grievance> (H) looking for more

Shadowlands has been announced! Get hyped! We are still raiding in BfA, and always looking for new members. 8.3 will also be coming before too much longer…a new raid and lots of new content too. Come check us out!!! Hope to talk to you folks soon.

interested in finding out more about guild please message me on bnet at
chris982247#1811 or discord at

I think I missed a discord friend request if so please resend

Vasilly, please whisper me in game at Achaikos#1152 when you get a moment and I can answer any questions.

Happy 15th Anniversary WoW! The event in game has been rather fun. We have gotten a full group their mounts so far and plan on going back for some more soon. We are always looking for more folks, so if you are interested then come on over for the fun!

I originally signed on with Grievance a few months ago as I was returning to play Classic WoW. I started playing with a large group of folks in Classic and I have to tell you they are some truly awesome folks. Unfortunately, the Classic servers are completely overwhelmed with players and questing experience has turned into a nightmare. I started replaying the retail side of the game and have been welcomed into another great group of players within Grievance. Since re-entering the retail side of the game on Thrall, Kaimito and her officers have been truly great with their wisdom and willingness to help gear their fellow guildmates. If you are looking tirelessly for a guild to call home, whether it be on Classic (Horde-Mankrik, Alliance-Pagle), or Retail (Horde-Thrall, Alliance-Proudmoore), and you are wanting the Family, Honesty, and Loyalty type of feeling that an adults only guild can offer, then you need not look any farther than the great group of players here at Grievance. If you play more than just WoW, then chances are we may play it as well. You won’t be disappointed and you will have found a home for your Azerothian adventures. Have a great day and happy hunting.

hello i just re subbed and started playing my monk looking for a new guild to call home see if im able to join you guys my bnet is SilentStorm#119283

When do y’all raid?

8.3 is almost here. Time for new content as this expansion winds down. It is a great time to check us out, and hopefullly find the last guild home you will ever need! If you have any questions, seek out one of us officers in-game and we would be happy to chat with you and answer any questions.

8.3 is now here and we are having a great time with the new content. Everybody is working on getting their cloaks leveled up and progressing in visions! On the raiding scene, we are now 10/12N and going after more. If you are looking for a great guild home, then look no further! Come check us out.

Would love to know more about the guild. Added Achaikosa btag from an earlier post. :slight_smile:

If you’re looking for a new home, Grievance is an excellent choice. I found them back in Legion and have been having a blast since. Interested in raiding, dungeons, elevator bosses, transmog, legendary cloak, visions, just need a group to hang out with drama free. Come join us!

If you are looking for a guild home, look no further! We are having a great time with the new patch, working our way through Heroic Ny’alotha, and ready for Shadowlands! If you want to come hang out with a great group of folks come check us out!

8.3 is still moving along great. We have a lot of folks returning to the game, sadly Im sure in part due to COVID-19. In this time of reduced interpersonal interaction, however, it is a great time to be part of a guild family and thats exactly what you will find here in the WoW-H chapter of Grievance. We hope some of you decide to come and join us today!

It has been a booming time lately for Grievance WoW-H. We have seen a number of people join up and a bunch of folks returning to the game. Now is a great time get prepped for Shadowlands or just come and enjoy some good fun. Lots of M+ keys happening each week, raiding 3 nights a week, a weekly Legion Mog Run World Tour, and much more. Come check us out!

If you still need a place to call home for Shadowlands I can not say enough about Grievance. Very active guild, amazing guild leader and officers. Active Discord, raiding, Mythic plus and just all around fun at all times.

Come check us out, you will not be disappointed! :slight_smile:

What are your raid times?

Good evening, and thanks for your question.

Our raid times are as follows(all times EST)

Tuesdays 9-11pm - Farm night raid.
Thursdays 9-11pm - Progression night raid.
Saturdays 9-11pm - Casual/Alt night raid.

If you have any further questions please feel free to let us know!

Only other question is how Is your m+ scene? Your times would work for for raids. Just looking for a place to bring my main and alts for shadowlands.

This guild is great, I have been a part of them for 3 yrs now and i have always felt welcomed! If you can follow our rules you will fit in and those rules are not hard. It is just treating each other swell. I look forward to meeting any new people to our guild!