Griefing upfront and honestly on stream

StaysafeTV just admitted on stream they are colluding and using horde accounts to MC other alliance so his guild, POWER, can kill the alliance to grief tags. If this isnt bannable whats the point of EULA, and TOS.


It is bannable, Grizzly is doing the same thing on Sulfuras, just gotta report it and hope that blizzard gets to it in a timely manner

do you think blizzard cares about this at all or will do anything?


blizzard doesn’t care, dont waste your time lmao


No idea, since world firsts are involved (at least in my case) they might take action, but who knows, they might just let it happen.

Actually, I think they do. I have reported bots and they did take action.

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I’m pretty sure they will check their 1.12 Client and find out that it is happening there too.


What the context of his statement? It could be entirely sarcastic.

Overall, it seems like blizzard doesn’t have a clear stance on faction collusion. Just report them in-game if you feel like there is greifing going on.

No they aren’t. We already did that 15 years ago.


retail worgan pirate doesn’t like “griefing” in classic guys, time to wrap it up and go back to hello kitty island adventure.

i mean from your statement it sounds like you support griefing

Reporting does something. Posting on social media to Blizz accounts and getting it I. Front of them in a public space does even more

100% chance nothing happens…they are streamers and therefore above the law.


To be far, he’s even admitted to using a horde account to see where Horde are at to get HK’s back in p2, and no one did anything about it. They are BASICALLY safe because people from that server have to report it. This is the problem with “segregated” servers. It’s basically open racism/social statues.

Except colluding isn’t even ToS

pretty sure griefing through collusion is

its not griefing if its a pvp server

Imagine rolling on a toxic PvP servers and complaining that people are being creative with their toxicity. I would urge you to transfer off ASAP.

Blizzard will do little or nothing about it theyll simply say pvp happened and immediately forget the entire matter

after all its not like THEY created the event knowing full well it would promote the worst kind of players to act like this oh wait THEY DID and now that the aforementioned players are acting this way Blizzard will bury their collective heads in the sand and pretend its “working as intended” same as they always do when this kind of issue arises and let it blow over