Is this…really all over a single reputation token?
He missed out on a 10 rep rare kill and now wants the world to burn.
Heaven help us if this guy ever misses a day killing rares from being sick, internet out or having other duties to tend to. We will all feel the wrath! dramatic music
Just do what people on my server do. Wait for a bunch of people to be running down the road and start killing him. Most stop and help. I do all the time.
Yeah, that’s pretty funny. I can’t imagine stressing about killing all the rares for such a relaxed rep.
Its just some idiot who doesn’t care. Probably hates their job and life. People not getting its not so much the tiny rep loss. Its that the people who are supposed to help when something goes wrong don’t care and won’t help. I don’t suspect they would help if it was like 150 rep loss either. I bet ff14 doesn’t treat it’s customers that way.
You are a consumer not a customer. You don’t own your account, you are borrowing it from blizzard, read the ToS. I can buy one wow token to replace you and give blizzard an extra 5$. Until the tokens cease to exist, you are expendable forever.
I’m assuming you’re having troubles because you’re in a low pop realm; Instead of wasting your time doing all of that, why not just make a group yourself and then kill the rares?
That would be 10x more effective to your ultimate goal?
Not really. Look at all the subs they lost and how it hurt the stocks. Nice try fanboi.
Yes really. You have zero idea how stocks work lol. Fan boi as an insult? That’s cute.
Its ok fanboi. There there. FF 14 can’t hurt you. Or maybe it can. Not my problem.
Imagine editing that dribble, fruit loop galore.
ya know stuff happens
the frog quest booted me over a cliff today and I couldnt get my body back and had to take rez sickness, pay to fix my gear ect.
did I get upset and post a ticket. no, stuff happens
Imagine being a spastic fanboi.
Its ok timmy there is more to life than your obsession with wow. Show everyone on the doll where someone saying FF14 had better customer service hurt you.
That’s pretty scummy, but very high effort trolling.
Simple fix would be no phasing during combat.
I am rather amazed by the number of people here who think it’s fine to troll a group of players by disbanding the group in mid-kill, and who feel the OP is throwing a tantrum. The OP was just informing folks that this can happen, and Blizzard doesn’t care. Seems like a nice public service OP is doing.
It continues to amaze me how some people find new ways to wreck or interfere with other people’s play. I suppose I shouldn’t be amazed, human nature being what it is. If this happened OP then it is scummy behaviour. Blizzard only appears to be concerned when group activities benefit players inappropriately. If they are disadvantaged it seems not to matter.
It falls under the category of, “holy cow, it’s only 10/15 rep. who cares?”
It falls under the category of “so what if its only 10/15 rep, it shows the customer service sucsk.”
Yikes for seeing a bunch of casuals on the forum who advocate for ‘play the game your way’ it’s surprising to see many sarcastic responses to this person’s experience.
No wonder the game can’t hold players.