Grief kicked from a dungeon so you have to wait the Dungeon Deserter timer

Im the same way, still been kicked.

I even use scatter shot to interupt important casts, do mechanics properly, etc.

But that wont stop people who want to abuse the vote kick from doing so.

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Noone is saying that there aren’t occasional unfair kicks from RDF.

The issue is that the situation without being able to kick would be much much worse.

Yep how does the saying go? If you run into a dbag from time to time it happens, if you always run into dbags maybe the issue is on your end.


Stalking? I was actively engaged in conversation on this thread before even addressing and pointing out your nonsense. Nice try though, always play the victim. Seems to be your MO.

Which is why the ability to kick should only be taken or reduced for those found to be abusing it.

Since we know blizzard wont bother reviewing it properly a simple fix would be something like this.

Every time you initiate a vote kick (or someone you queued with does so) your wait time to vote kick from entering a dungeon is increased by 5 minutes. If you reach reach 30 minutes you can no longer vote kick for the rest of the week. This timer is reset on tuesday with the weekly reset.

So you can initiate a vote kick 6 times a week (and if you queue with others they can add to your timer).

This will keep people from using it whenever they want and really only do it when they feel they need to.

As a side note this would likely be best as a “per account” 6 times a week limit instead of a per character.


While that would be fine it wouldn’t stop these complaints because it is a one off issue and they’re just getting unlucky, or are legitimately at fault…

There just aren’t masses of people in RDF vote kicking for lols.


Currently leveling this rogue from 80-85 in RDF. I put tricks on the tank, interrupt, don’t stand in bad, ect and haven’t been kicked once. I also leveled my unholy DK from 80-85 in RDF and was never kicked. Unless you’re AFK or causing a wipe, you’re not likely to get kicked.

I avoid this problem by just playing disc and doing more damage than like half of the degenerates running around playing hunter or mage.

Also your post is about low level content but if you still don’t know the boss mechanics that will cause a wipe or do less than 12k-15k(depending on class) absolute bare minimum on easy bosses where you just spam your buttons I genuinely believe you deserve to be kicked no questions asked. I had to heal erudux or whatever it is for like 6 minutes the other day and it wasn’t fun. I didn’t even know about the dragon things that spawn before that

Also they should have the debuff last 5 minutes and triple the number every kick/leave, weekly reset. That way people who get kicked for stupid reasons can just say whatever and go out for a smoke, the mentally deficient and ultra toxic are basically temp banned after a certain point.

You know the funny thing at the april blizzcon when they announced wrath and announced rdf wouldnt be in the game right away. The reasoning they said for it was because of players abusing vote to kick.

We got what was wished for. Maybe they will remove the debuff but doubt it.

There’s a hell of a lot of “i nEvER bEEN KiCkEd bEFoRE” Kiddos in here lmao


There’s also a a hell of a of “I gEt KiCkeD EvErY DunGeOn aNd ItS NevEr My FaUlt” entitled brats in here


Odd to flex over being kicked from dungeons but okay

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Just wait till you get qued in a dungeon with a guy multiboxing a tank dps and healer. than they kick you so they get more xp/mob and the bonus xp at the end of the dungeon, it was super exciting

Also healers who just sit there leaching should get insta kicked too. It’s not hard to do a bit of damage and know how to drink water between pulls+mana pots

Half of all Cata topics are people complaining about problems created by RDF

I agree with you, however, never expect any sympathy from 99% of the community, wow players love to just have bad systems in the game because they cant possibly fathom the idea of their god send company making changes.

So far noone has proposed a better solution.

Better have your gear gemmed and enchanted when you join a rando with my buddies and I or you’re going to eat that 30 min.

There’s like 4 better solution above this post, actual Based Blizzard Fan over there Kek

So then when someone gets into a group of people who are a premade, they can be toxic and disruptive and know they can get kicked and start over again – it will only be exploited.