Not identical, but definitely cleaner looking. I think it is shorter unfortunately. I liked the original QS cuz it’s a HUGE 1 hander but also wide. There’s many long 1 hander, but they’re usually super thin.
I’ll be honest. Compared to the amount of pink themed stuff of February, the amount of green stuff is kind of feeling lacking? Idk maybe just me?
Also another battle pet… Eh throw it into the pile I guess lol… Why they use all blue for a month based in green?
Technically, it’s aqua (a greenish-blue or a bluish-green).
Interesting mix of gear mogs and gowns, somebody finally realized the ladies want to look pretty at times
no one said that the trading post would follow holiday color schemes
Yay more scarves, tabards, gloves etc. to pick up also might grab that parasol idk kinda broke on tendies after February so…
I didn’t spend any this month, but I’m not big on hearts and ribbons so it worked out. I’ll spend some next month but probably not all of them.
Your tusks would look phenomenal with bows. Just saying.
I’m not sure how I feel about this.
Title: Green is Good
Trading post: Blues and Purple.
Yes, this makes a lot of sene.
Ok. I love the teal things we’re getting, and I’ll buy the hood/scarf/cape combos, and I will also buy the mount.
BUT, IMO they’re bringing too many expensive things at once. I wanted to buy the attire, and some other things, but I’ll not have enough tender, and I still have the previous month ensemble as my frozen item.
All according to their master plan. They will want you to buy the next cosmetic pack with included tenders.
If the next one includes one of those fancy felbikes though…gods help me. I won’t be able to resist.
but they wont fly
Didn’t they say in an interview that they aren’t going to do any more bundles like that after the two they did because I could of sworn in one of the interviews I listened to that’s what they said.
What they say and what they do are usually two completely different things.
Haha, that’s a totally valid point and as someone that bought both of them I would be okay with them making more but I had thought they said they wouldn’t do anymore of them after the last one so I’m glad I remembered that right.
Oh thank you so much for peacock mount
i was so worried it be something like fated raid but so happy i can get it, so perfect!!!
Aaany reason the Aquatic mog has hoods and cloaks, but the Cloudy does not? This is bugging me greatly!
Blue is my favorite color, so it makes me happy, but I feel like it should have been green. I feel like a lot of things should have been green.