Green is Good During March’s Trading Post

I love pets, don’t get me wrong. I have a top 500 pet collection in the world on the game last I looked. (EDIT: I just looked, I’m #476 worldwide, 269 US, 11 on server lol)

However, is there a reason y’all gave us a recolor of a wild catchable pet as the reward for this month?

Even I’m disappointed by that and I LOVE pets.

Why not the Peacock Mount? Or, to match spring and the chinese new year, the classic pet that was added to retail datafiles in 10.2.5?

And not just a recolor of this pet:

(And it’s blue, not green, which goes against your “Green is Good” thing you are trying to do.


Yes it says so in the post.

Probably same as every other toy - usable in random bgs.

He literally asked if they could stop with the dresses. Thats not asking for armor and dresses. Scroll up further.

I have no problem with armor being added also, but there have been plenty of months that have had heavier armor, not to mention all the usual quest armor, wq armor, raid armor.

People have been asking for upgrades to the AQ dresses for years. We’re also finally getting simple accessories which I’ve also seen requested a lot. It’s nice to see it.

It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea every month but they tend to have a decent mix.




Assuming my math is right, this month will be significantly cheaper for me to get all the pieces I want. Not complaining since last month absolutely destroyed me.

I see blue. Did you know most people see color slightly different? Looks more blue than green to me.

Where did you get the original?

yay more rats. give us more puppies pls. sick of rodents after the dumb mole ppl in df lol

Whoever wrote this blog needs to be tested for a type of color blindness.


gonna get the Blackrock Executioner…thats pretty cool.

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Im buying that gossmer dress from AQ so hard!


Still don’t understand if this is a month of green why they made the pet blue as blue can be…

I’m so damn confused.

Didn’t they make a few class themed sets a few months back?

I’m just wondering if they already did one for all the classes or they forgot.

Our eyes see more of the green spectrum and in parts of the ancient world blue was just a shade of green

Also, I see numbers as colors. Blue is 3. Red is 2 likewise 5 is Purple

:dragon: :purple_square: :ocean: :dragon:

There was one in the shop for a long while.

Dang yall did good last month (edit: or this month, forgot it’s a leap year lol), what happened?

At least the squeaker is cute.

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I think its because the cloudy cloaks have been offered before. The aquatic color is new. We haven’t seen the cloudy shoulder drape before though.

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I suppose the Peafowl mount is the same basic model as the bird things from ZM, which means the character sitting/riding interaction with the mount is terrible. The character flops around, moving in and out of the saddle/mount itself, and it looks poorly done. Can you guys maybe have someone with actual animation experience fix those?

Also, the parasol should be a mount, not a toy!


5 is gold!

( I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold, also known as The Figure 5 in Gold, is a 1928 painting by American artist Charles Demuth.)

If I was carried in on a stretcher with Bwonsamdi waiting with an out stretched staff and saw a Gnome priest ready and no doubt willing, to “sew” me up or “heal” I’d grab Bwonsamdi’s hand and say “Let’s go”.

Creepy Gnome practicing medicine on me?? Nope.