Green is Good During March’s Trading Post

I have one on my wall! :smiley: It’s the hubby’s great grandfather’s.


Well? What color is it?



I want morrrrrreeeeee

Give me moreeeeee

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Where’s the green version of the Blademaster beads?

Would be the perfect time to release them considering we’ve been getting different colors in last 3 weeks.


Not that teal is bad, but could use more lime green.

Getting me that peafowl mount.

Why can’t I flag your post for being boring and of no interest?


swing anda miss~
first time chilibean get to save tenders.

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Yes, not to mention where is the Blademaster sandals and cuisse/faulds. Also foot and wrist wraps. So sad blizz has such an aversion to creating cool gear/xmogs.

I could use a lil save, I blew like 3k on cutiepie valentines day stuff

I’m glad folks are enjoying this stuff.

That said, there’s a reason I have 13,900 currency right now, and that’s only going to go up next month.


I am bummed. I had hoped the masquerade stuff was going to be for a new Carnival/Mardi Gras themed holiday event…

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LOL sorry. It’s just brown. Stained oak, prior to when oak became scarce to make them.


“Green is good, so here is a bunch of teal stuff”



Blue is not green, Blizzard.


Yes to these!

Also Replica Staff of Gul’dan.

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If I still played my Monk, I’d be ecstatic about the abundance of Jade Green in this month’s post.

That said, I think this’ll be a saving month instead of a spending month. Only thing I would’ve gotten was the pet, which is the free reward. Works for me lol

Probably wants a shillelagh to knock some sense into whoever thought all these teal things were green

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The peacock mount should’ve had dragon-riding available. Being this far into Dragonflight and still offering mounts that don’t offer dragon-riding is a shame since it’s the direction forward. I know it will probably have it in The War Within but why not now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It’s an ok month for me. There’s a couple things I usually buy like the hoods/scarves. I like that umbrella as well. Part of me wishes it was a mount.

I wonder what they’ll do for April.