Green is Good During March’s Trading Post

I really wish the shoulder things could come with silver as well, not just gold, for the front attachments. I REALLY like using them as a single shoulder option with armor on the other one, I just hate gold a lot of the time. Really limits its usefulness.

The list as a whole didn’t WOW me, but there’s a lot of solid stuff in there. Give it a ‘6’.

Toy and mount for me this month, nothing else peeks my interest.

To go a bit pedantic, “teal” usually falls on blue’s side of the fence (being greenish-blue) while the opposite is considered “turquoise” (being bluish-green).

I feel like these kind of bounce back and forth between the two, and I don’t mind the color, but “green” isn’t near the top of the list of words I’d use for 'em.

The battle pet for completing all the tasks looks really neat. Happy to see it as the monthly reward since I’ve been slowly looking into getting into battle pet collecting and such. :mouse:

I really like the peafowl mount. It looks gorgeous and I think could look great on some of my characters. :peacock:

I’m collecting toys for fun and also to get that robo pupper battle pet from the toy collection achievement, so I’m likely going to get that parasol also. :open_umbrella:

I’m also happy to see the alabastor mounts return since I couldn’t get them the first time. I might be able to afford one from saving tenders and then freeze the other. I’ll think on it once I finish all my monthly tasks and go to shop on the Trading Post. Seeing returning items in general is very much appreciated! :rock:

I will say that I like the green colors on some of the items. Especially since turquoise and aqua are my favorite colors. :four_leaf_clover:

Also, my current wishlist to see on the Trading Post would be these Ogre related toys that came from the WoW TCG:

Still want playable Horde Ogres, of course, but I am trying to collect Ogre related stuff in the game. :japanese_ogre:

I’ll share a screenshot or two of my purchases as usual when the new Trading Post is up and I finish my monthly tasks. :smiley:

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yay, more stuff.

Sometimes I scroll through mounts and toys and see ones I forgot I had.

I wish I had that many toys when I was a kid.

Eh, looks like another month of just getting the hood+cloak for me. Maaaybe the Quel’serrar recolors. That’s about it. Save my tendies for April when we’ll most likely get a bunch of Easter themed stuff.

ah wasnt trying to say the shillelagh needed to be green but we needed green stuff AND a shillelagh

black usually i think. have a black one and an unpainted one
my grandfather is irish but i myself am not from ireland so dont take my word as gospel lol

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One of the most mid months we’ve gotten.


Damn, no green fel stuff for a warlock. Smh.

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ahhh, Yes! It’s all so clear to me now! :smiley:

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Now I don’t feel bad about blowing all my tender on pink stuff this month. Not much appealing next month which is fine by me, can save some up until needed.

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Not all are black.

Those were my three main things too. I want to see more of that Peafowl mount before I spend on it tho… hope someone will have one out when I get to the traders spot this weekend.

i think the only way i would purchase any of those long gloves is if they had an effect where you right click on them then you character will take them off and use them to slap another player to challenge to a duel. like from the renaissance period.


Yay, more recolors. /s

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Gonna get the green dress and the pole arm. Maybe one of the sword mogs. Pretty meh this month. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

So I gotta ask, do you people at Blizzard not know what green is? Do you have some sort of hatred towards a good strong green? The EMERALD Dream looked like it had been through the wash way too many times and now all this “green” in the trading post.

It’s hard to imagine there are only black, but I’ve never seen one of a different color, myself.

Pets should never be the end of month reward.


Everyone will be green just like me!
