Green is Good During March’s Trading Post

The 1H sword and dagger transmogs are really the only things I want from the March trading post.

A relief, because I spent so much tender on this month.

The polearm looks pretty cool.


Probably won’t even add them
Not pastel enough lol
They probably clashed with the current aesthetic too much so they’re rounding sharp edges and slapping on some cute tassels

3 colors of bike
Thought it was a no brainer for trader’s post. Red bike would have pumped a little much needed balance in last months selection.

Yeah,it does looks like a double polearm never seen one like that.


Huh, I’ll have to look into that.

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The only other time that particular shape has been seen was WoD Gold Challenge Mode Weapons.

No wonder,I never did those before ,ah,missed more cool stuff then.

That peafowl mount will be mine!!!


My God am I happy I didn’t drop 200k on the quel serrar hd swords. Phew. I like these ones more.

I did drop the 100k on the gold black rock polearm though. All good.

Can I have your his tenders?

(sorry, I didn’t see the post you were replying to)

I guess it’s from all the complaints from all the pink on the store last month. (This month at the time of writing this)

Teele the Battle pet as the 100% reward is kind of… not as good as other rewards tbh.

Can you stop with the crap dresses and stuff.

Its like the entire armor mog this month.

I want armor.

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That Captain uniform is sweet.


I thought those looked familiar. Is that actually the same quelserrar model?

I want more of the dresses they are lovely, I hope they make way more colors like red, green, black, white, etc. I mean sure I get they were and are just updated versions of the original AQ ones but it would be nice to have the pretty dresses to match every color they will include for gloves, skirts, shoulders, etc.


Mint green threw up in the place… lol

Looking forward to getting my hands on that new Peafowl mount and the new battle pet. I’ll also be purchasing the new toy being added this coming up month! :smiley:



I want a bamf armor set to be a heavy plate unit on The battlefield.

The weapons are decent this month but like why do i need 15 types of cloaks and arm gloves. 7k tender here i come.

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There’s plenty of heavy armor in the game already.


Nah, not quite the same, but arguably better looking regardless in my opinion.

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