Green is Good During March’s Trading Post

I personally just like the look of darker reds and blues. A good Crimson or Midnight Blue.


I have to agree. Couple of small things but nothing major I have to have. Might be a “savings” month.

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Yes, wooden. shellacked Black. - Dad was from Ireland :slight_smile:

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Its debatable tbh
Teal is blue mixed with green.
So i guess it depends on how much blue is thrown in.
Most of these items fall on the blue side :stuck_out_tongue:


Hope everything is okay with your family.


Everything can and should be brought back.
Timewalking is a thing.

That’s pretty cool. Always wanted to visit Ireland, have a lot of family from my mom’s side that moved to the states from Ireland.

That sky captain set will look good on my mage. The white shoulder cape thing is also good.

Not a terrible month, as far as these things go.

I’ve never been.

He only went back one time and that was to bury my grandmother. Because I am first generation, I’m technically a duel citizen.

The original one looks better IMO. This recolor is a bit meh.

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Two strokes in a month is not a good sign but I’m hopeful the doctors find the cause and can treat it. Bro really missed things up here under the desk so anything related to computer connections is on hold including the game. That’s why I asked. :frowning_face:

Wish I was more of a geek .


Sorry for your loss.

It’s cool that you’re a dual citizen though. I’m two or three generations removed from my Irish and Scottish roots. Been a while since I saw the family tree. I’ve got a stronger connection to the Cherokee from my dad’s side.

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Too bad they put big gaudy gold “buckles” on the shoulder capes. Effectively makes them useless.

You are ---------------------------------------- ^ here ^


I believe it’s up to 3 generations. So If my father was born in the US and my Grandmother was only from Ireland, Both he and I could be citizens of Ireland.

I’m nearly positive that my Grandfather and Grandmother from moms side were also “off the boat”

Hmmm…I’ve wanted that peacock mount since it was datamined, so I’ll be grabbing that and like maybe 3 other things. Good month for saving.

Why is everything they release look like it was imported from Candyland?
Couple cool weapons I guess…
But I was really hoping that after February’s 100% female only stock the fellas would get a turn.
Maybe that awesome, ACTUALLY green, fel-bike that was datamined a while back?
Very disappointing, but what else is new?


Back to normal, back to saving.


The felbike thing could very well be a cash shop item. With extra tenders, of course.


Looks like a saving month for me. That’s ok, I’m looking forward to the upcoming spring transmogs that were revealed.

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