Green is Good During March’s Trading Post

Parasol as a mount is a fantastic idea!
If I had a black one I’d make a Dr Henry Killinger xmog for sure :rofl:


Who said anything about medicine? I have those magic gnome-hand ticklers. I just tickle the organs and they feel so much better after! Little heart problem? No problem! I’m sure I could fix that if I could just get in there!

Nowadays there’s all this nonsense red tape and all those silly laws. “No Rita You can’t just cut into someone without a medical license” and all those pesky restrictions. They’re wasting so much time keeping their patients in pain, waiting for a transplant, for NO reason. Just let a gnome get in there and start the tickling magic. It’s heartbreaking to live because someone else didn’t.

Maybe Blizz would make it happen. They already let me be a Holy Priest, and that went fine, so I think this is worth a shot.


So, we get a reskin battle pet of a free world one?

Stellar work Blizz. Inventive imagination at work.


lol You just proved me right. I’ll pass on tickling my organs… They’re fine as they are.

Typical Gnome. Sneaky little things.

Gnome priests… a scary lot.

2 hander sword sword looks like something you would get from the Maldraxxus transmog vendor :crazy_face:

It’s hard to say.

The few things I’ve been getting are the little colored cap and wraps and capes and what not.

Most of the mounts don’t interest me – I have lots of mounts.

But, of course, on top of that, is being naturally frugal, I just don’t spend stuff. Particularly hard to get stuff. It’s a “just in case” mentality (not saying it’s justified, it just is).

Since the tenders are so expensive (taking a month to get), it had to be extra compelling to spend them on, well, anything.

That’s a me thing.

Also, nothing looks good on a Gnome. So most mogs don’t appeal to me.

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Yeah, most of the “green” items are actually teal…

I was noting to myself that “teal is not really green”, at least to me.

You might be thinking of the snowy ones, I’ve bought every hood, scarf, and cloaks that they made available so far and I don’t have their cloudy variants. My transmog collection is going to feel so incomplete after this… :pensive:

Frostmourne transmog skin would be gooder :crazy_face: :crossed_swords:

Im sure theyll be back - i didnt get the pink cloak and hood when it was first out. I usually try to get the cloak and hoods for each month now. Its a guaranteed purchase from me.

Why is there nothing green in the green is good trading post?


Sometimes this game can make me fowl tempered, but I can avoid it if I wing it!

So this month I got the following:

Got the mouse battle pet for doing enough monthly tasks. :mouse:

The peafowl mount which looks pretty neat in-game. It has a cool glow effect and some awesome animations in general. :peacock:

Got the Jade Parasol to add to my toy list so I can get closer to getting the achievement that gives the robo pupper battle pet. :open_umbrella:

Got the Alabaster Wyvern thinking it might look good with my future Earthen character. :rock::lion:

:snowman_with_snow: I opted to freeze the Alabaster Gryphon for now as I do like the way it looks and I’m also collecting mounts for the collection achievement. A shame getting one of the Alabaster mounts on the Trading Post doesn’t unlock the other on the opposite faction, if I understand correctly. :rock::eagle:

Looking forward to the next month as usual, since I do have fun doing tasks and getting items. I always worry about not having enough tenders for what I want and there being more I want to freeze than I have slots for. Luckily items have a chance of returning, which I always appreciate! :four_leaf_clover:

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So much camel toe, though. xD

I must be color blind… Where’s the green?

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They did yes, just a few pieces though, not full armor.


It was never said or implied but I mean come on… It’s kind of a good thing to do by. I mean they kinda did February.

And thank the earth mother they did. Paladins finally have true tier this season :). My mog <3

Now only if the mouse was green too.

Yeah, let’s just make everything I’ve collected in the past 20 years of playing WoW mean nothing and just give it all away. Things used to be special. Things you had to be there for. Things that became more special as time went on, being more of a reward for continuing to play the game.

I had Swift Zhevra mount when it first came out as a referral reward. Now it’s not special anymore because apparently kids made up some fake FOMO bullsh!t that makes everything in the game basically a participant award that means nothing.


aka you convinced your friend to spend money or you paid for a second account. That’s super duper elite and exclusive and a testament to your unparalledd gaming prowess.

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*Greed is good

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