I was watching Baron’s Beta stream on classic and he worked out the powershift bear macro for consumable use. its basically
/cancel form
/Use consume
The switch is so fast you dont even see the switch out of bear form. This is amazing for bear tanks! Imagine being able to use greater stoneshield for 2k more armor throughout a fight and not just before a pull. This means druid is gonna bea able to hit the Armor cap in pre bis blues easy. Being able to use health pots/lock cookies, and resistance potions. Also on threat check fights imagine a bear using a MCP for 50% increased attk speed and then being able to use Kiss of the spider trink for 20% more. 70% increase on the amount of mauls going out. Seems like were going to be in a pretty good place.
So you’re saying warrior is the best tank. Agreed.
Sometimes, Good guilds will take a feral. Easier to gear feral offtank than 8 warriors.
It’s pretty easy to weave a Unshift-pot-shift between boss swings due to all those actions being off the GCD, but Armor potions lose a lot of value for Bear tanks after AQ40 due to the fact they’ll be getting close to Armor capped even without them.
I’ve been considering going Druid in Classic again just because I want to really experiment with some different things that nobody did back in the day. But on the other hand, Warrior is also really tempting.
Yeah druids could do that in vanilla, it didn’t bring them to par with warrior tanks.
I am honestly interested in seeing how modern theory crafting paired with better players will shake up the meta in Classic. I would love to see some of the specs and classes that were written off as “worthless” back in the day, things no one would ever bring to a group, turn out to have more value than people thought back then.
Not saying that will be the case, but at the very least it will be interesting to watch as everything unfolds.
Someone is going to tank Naxx with a thunderfury protection paladin and both reddit/forums are going to be up in arms for being proven wrong.
I am behind that somebody 100% of the way and wish them nothing but the best! Cut against the grain, storm a new path, forge a new destiny! Shoot for the stars and even if they fall short, not saying they will, at least they tried something new!
Shadowfury/Soulburn Dest locks in pvp. Youre a glass cannon who needs a heal friend but omg are you deadly. I was praised for being able to use warlock in ways no one thought back in the day, But i was also praised for being able to do as well as i did as a 11 year old lol
I feel the same about resto druid, im convinced druids are the best healer, time to show them theyre wrong!
Druids can tank most fights in Vanilla. I know this may shock you because you think not being able to hit defense cap makes it impossible. Been proven wrong many times. Check Skarm Tank on YouTube. Read Taladrils’ Treatise on Druid Tanking in Vanilla. I don’t agree with Taladrils 100%, but nearly 99% of it I do. We’ve learned a lot over the years about feral tanking in Vanilla. And while there are some fights where mechanics make it next to impossible to tank it most fights are tankable as a feral druid.
Now that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It isn’t easy as a warrior either. Tanks do a lot more in Vanilla and even just their positioning of the boss can wipe a raid. And that’s a great thing about a bear tank. Our threat is the best in game. Cheers!
This will happen, I mean Classic isn’t even out yet and top end guilds are using Fury Prot builds for more threat. Where you go 31 points in Fury then the rest Prot. The Def cap is kinda more of a myth now when threat and damage is important. The Dps will be pumping now so just holding Agro in a good guild will be key.
Classic will bring some new Meta’s and people doing some crazy Min/Maxing. The tanks just needs to be a threat machine all that matters the Boss will die much faster these days because of just better prepared Dps and more damage.
The hardest part for me will be NOT pre-casting after years of getting used to pre-casts.
Not if the rogues are given all your gear…
I mean… Rogues won’t have ALL the gear… Hunter’s will be taking a lot of it too, remember that everything is a Hunter Item.
Even staff of jordan. Can confirm. Was ninjad on me by a hunter off the AH back in the day.
Even staff of jordan. Can confirm. Was ninjad on me by a hunter off the AH back in the day.
Not even our auction houses are safe from these greedy tyrants!
/shakes fist
Love the insecure warriors popping in this thread.
This will happen, I mean Classic isn’t even out yet and top end guilds are using Fury Prot builds for more threat. Where you go 31 points in Fury then the rest Prot. The Def cap is kinda more of a myth now when threat and damage is important. The Dps will be pumping now so just holding Agro in a good guild will be key.
Classic will bring some new Meta’s and people doing some crazy Min/Maxing. The tanks just needs to be a threat machine all that matters the Boss will die much faster these days because of just better prepared Dps and more damage.
Fury Prot is going to be the go to warrior spec. When everyone is stacking raid buffs, and flasks. So we can nuke bosses down.
So you’re saying warrior is the best tank. Agreed.
I would argue Druids are best
They do more threat, and healers are more optimized now days.