Can confirm this works. Just under armor cap with the priest 25% armor on crit. just over armor cap with stoneshield and armor potion. Have tanked all content so far easy. including Rag.
Does anyone have a more technical copy of this macro that I can use?
I used the one in the big druid macro thread but it doesn’t seem to work.
Something like that or close, im at work and cant look at macro
#showtooltip Dire Bear Form
/cancelaura Leader of the Pack
/cancelaura Predatory Strikes(Rank 3)
/use Greater Stoneshield Potion
/cast [noform:1] Dire Bear Form
Question: why is canceling the buffs needed in the macro sequence?
Some people noticed that the ap buff from predatory strikes was missing if they PS too fast. Same for LoTP. This makes sure you’re not missing it. Macro works for healing potions/Lock cookies too! I mostly use it for health pots.
yup warriors are the best tank though I would still take a bear tank for any 5 man out there …better to have a bear tank then no tank at all seeing as how 80% of the warriors out there are dps
I dunno. So far i’m the easier tank to heal for most of MC and Ony for sure with a fear ward. BWL and war t2 will offset this but, AQ brings bear tanks back strong. Bears can always wear mitigation gear because a good bear tank starts the encounter with 1 charge of a MCP and switches back to warden staff. Being at the armor cap with over 75% damage reduction makes crushes/crits not bad at all.
I have heard they can be good in raids as well…I just haven’t seen one do it so I cant attest to it, But I have had no problems with bear tanks in 5 mans.