Anyone know good spots to get these around level 30?
I’ve been trying to get them from Lake Lordamire just outside Dalaran but the respawn rate is terrible and there’s always other players there competing with you to get some. I could spend hours trying to fish and walk away with less than 1 stack. I want like 10 stacks.
I’ve read you can find them in Eastern Plaguelands but that’s way above my level. No way I could go fishing there.
Great food for both health & mana at the same time. Unfortunately, my mana pool is a little too big for sagefish now. Not many other options to craft anything other than pots for mana. Well, I can always heckle a mage for some water
There is the final recipe, can’t remember name atm, but it is +12 per tick, which does still help. It ain’t no caster crack like Innervate, but it helps.
Was thinking about using first aid and life tap my mana full but might be more costly as i briefly looked at recipes and saw all the cloth & weave that go into making bandages. Think i’m going to look again. I vendor all my cloth usually, though have been saving felcloth & runecloth for bigger inventory bags.
Just level to 60. Why are you wasting time fishing? Food buff doesn’t really matter as you level. You’re significantly increasing your time to 60 by doing this and that’s ok if that’s what you want.
Not sure if I understand what you are saying here.
But to modify what I originally said, I think fishing and cooking are great. Even as a Mage I leveled cooking to 300 before 60. But to throw away time as you level to fish is certainly a waste. Unless of course you really enjoy fishing and waiting for the fish bobble to move lol.
My phone finally allowed me to edit my post. Should be clearer now.
I’m saying that your singular drive to attain levels is a foreign concept to me, and many others among the classic crowd. The idea that an enjoyable diversion might somehow be a waste, seems illogical to me. The very definition of enjoyable diversion indicates I’m having fun.
So when anyone says they stopped leveling to have a fishing trip, the default assumption should be that they indeed do “enjoy fishing, and waiting for the bobble to move lol.”
Same although I definitely run all the end game 5 mans to exhaustion. Maybe a few random PUG raids for fun, then it’s alt time.
And of course that’s an oversimplification; I play “alts” and “mains” at the same time and with interchangeable seriousness, to the point where the distinction is meaningless.