Greater Sagefish

It’s Rogue for me.

Oddly enough something about the class campaigns tickled my fancy. The weapons definitely captured my imagination, alongside the spectacular new animations.

So much so in fact that I actually created an alt for each spec, before I finally tired of retail.

I’ve carried that paradigm over to Classic, and intend to have an alt of every specialization, or at least my favorite ones.

wow congrats you got to end of an imaginary journey without looking around or enjoying it. You made “efficient” use of your time … in a video game. Honestly a lot of people just don’t think like that and don’t care about min-maxing the hell out of everything in a game. The entirety of WoW is itself a “waste of time”. The entire point for a lot of people is to have fun and enjoy it. Min-maxing everything and giving yourself anxiety over every little decision just sucks the joy out of it for a lot of people. The idea of trying to be the best in WoW or trying to be first to things is just totally alien to me. This isn’t a competitive game. If I wanted a competition I’d play a real competitive game like Dota. I play WoW to walk around aimlessly.

Why so much hate lol? I played classic and hit 60 twice.

I’m now 29 and have a career. I value my time in game and also am highly competitive. Of course wow can be about the journey and that is fine. But to run around for hours trying to fish above our level makes no logical sense. Just level 5 more times and then you can fish.

Good on all of you to claim that only zoomers and retail babies rush to 60 lol.

you’re the one hating. Why do you come into a fishing thread to tell people that fishing is a waste of time? Get out of here.


Good point. I was negative and inviting a flame there after rereading op.

Point taken.


I do hope you come back for later patches to enjoy more end game content!

Do you even play classic?

its nice because it can stack with water, but I do agree that this is a trivial matter for us warlocks.

Those are mostly sagefish. He’s looking for greater sagefish friend

And stv was the spot for these