Greater pyro out of control

This thread is about gpyro. So now you just want the instant dmg changed?

Reading isn’t hard Juga. Where is the ignore feature on these forums lol.

Gpyro is a massive problem because of instant dmg. No one like Gpyro and it’s gimmick but Gpyro is incredibly broken since it can be used with instants. You don’t understand PvP at all and wish you would just stop posting clogging things up.

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So greater pyro would be fine on its own without the instants after?

How dare you imply I should take responsibility for my own survival. GOOD DAY Miss!



I agree it is an issue, but in casual play, not rated.

It’s the type of spell that takes advantage of disorganized teams. In unrated play, usually people mob healers or whatever they can hit, letting fire mages feel free to spam Greater Pyro.

The strength of the spell becomes especially clear once multiple fire mages enter a fight. Players that are aware might be able to use CC to stop some, but not all Greater Pyros. Plus, it takes away CC CDs from stopping healers.

It’s just a gimmicky spell that excels in “noob-stomping.” If you ever FC or try to spin a node, it’s especially annoying because you can’t just hump the Fire Mage all game, and rely on teammates to stop the Greater Pyros (which they don’t usually do.)

I see your greater pyro and raise you one greater heal.


So like, because players are inept the spell is a problem. But good players have 0 problems with it.

Basically it is punishing mongos and zugzugs because they are tunnelling.

Is that what you are saying?


I have plenty for both

You know people have run Double Fire Mage at 3k rating in 3’s right? Literally is the most broken spec in Rated play right now. Just stack the gimmicks and win. It’s super broken.

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Think he means rated BGs.

So, no other classes have a percentage of damage???

If u say yea just the mage. Learn your f class you f retards. I am tired of looking at the forums and someone is obviously oblivious to the game they f play.

Example DH does 6% damage per shot from the air jump guess what if you’re in DF or just came out of it you heal.

Let’s ruin your dreams ilvl scale at 300, lvl scaling is still here just about 1% below each lvl. So a 110 vs 120 the 10% reduced in damage/hp after scaling is applied does not include buffs.

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Hey, if they change it from % based, that may make gpyro even stronger. Look at the complaints we are seeing about a 100k CB lol

Man all the people in here defending gp are hilarious. There are literally zero equivalents to it.

CB had actual cost attached to it. CB might do more damage every 3 minutes but it definitely does less in between. So save your stops for that time, no problem. Gp is spammable and completely unreliant on CDs to do damage.

If you ground or reflect a cb there goes their damage and shards. Ground gp? No probs just re spam it.

Kick cb and they are locked out of everything?!?!?! Everything. Kick gp? No prob, hold my drink while I poly your healer for days (or in a 1v1 poly you and then recast your spammable gp). Oh you go to cast your own spell (say fear as has been described), no prob arcane lock is on a different School of magic.

To compound the issue of spammable and absolutely zero cost the mage only has to land one and the person is dead. Follow gp with instant meteor and pyros for the rest of the health. A cb lands? Np they have almost no damage to follow up.

Anyone defending gp clearly doesn’t understand PvP mechanics.


Weird, I’m always topping fire mages dmg at the end of the BG. Probably because I stop their casts :sunglasses:

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If a critter has 3 hp and you hit it with a gpryo, it does 1dmg. Facts.


That’s so op.

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oooo good call

Should make gpyroblast work on raid bosses. Then I wouldn’t have to look away from netflix while i’m raiding.

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And nobody stops your casts? Sounds like a funny coincidence. You should play vs yourself it sounds like.