Greater pyro out of control

Kicking a fire spell 10 seconds after infernal before they pop Dark Soul: Instability is pretty damaging to lock burst. Hell even kicking fire during havoc after infernal is pretty brutal to stopping damage.

Juga has no idea how to big bolt kids.

3 ROF will net me 80k-90k bolts or so. I stack haste though.

It really doesn’t hit for 50k though. My partner has 370 ilvl at 2k and it always hits lower than that outside of CDs. When we see destro the only reason I might kick a destro outside of CDs is to lock him out of both schools of magic. I’ll usually save kicks for sheep’s/GPS though and let cbs through because they tickle.

Fire mage is indeed squishy but really there are a lot squishier. Playing MLS people will sit destro. Not because he does more damage. Simply because he’s a squish without block, temp, shimmer and blink. He has one defensive CD that he uses to counter burst half the time.

I don’t want them to gut fire. Just think spammable 30% irrelevant of CDs on a separate school of magic is toxic.

100% this. Not saying to stack them like op. Just saying gp is dumb in it’s current incarn.

I still don’t think it’s that great to kick fire? You kick it and it leaves open fears which lead to free immolates anyways. Save all stops for chaos and you’re probably fine (more from an arena aspect anyway). You’d know better though. Still think cb has more cost reward though than gp. Also I would agree to have current cb tied to stuff moved around.

I’m gonna try out this rof tonight. Never actually knew about it till these threads. What about rof makes it hit harder?

RoF spends 3 shards each time you use it. Grimoire of Supremacy increases CB dmg by 8% for every shard you spend while infernal is up. So 3 RoF increases CB dmg by 72%. Have you not been doing that? Dunno how you’d ever kill anything as a destro lock otherwise.

Nope I use grim sac. So grim sup and use infernal as pet? Or the 3 minute cd infernal? Sounds like a lot of work for something 3 simple cbs can do.

Abomb doesn’t even play this game. Just subs for forums.


Thanks someone who understands educating the uninformed.

Seen abom on a prot pally in an av.

What kind of dirty player plays prot pally :blush:

Edit: shhh it’s our little secret!

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Pretty much.

[read with overly played dumb voice]

3 sec Gpyro is instant damage.
Combust + Meteor.

3 globals is insta dmg.

Like who?

if people are losing to memes at 3k then they’ve slipped up.

You’re grasping for straws so badly you’re trying to argue mathematical fact.

funny how you don’t ever play rbgs and the person you’re referencing is sub 2k.

clearly a casual problem.


On my fire mage, I go after tanks. I hope Blizzard won’t detect fun with great pyro blast.

Lol I’m really not. If you’re struggling with fire mage it sounds like you should go watch some of xaryus videos. He’ll teach you how to do it.

He will cast gp a bunch and literally all it takes is one gp to go off and then he pops combust and all the instants =dead.

It acts like it’s instant because of the travel time. You can pop all your instants and have them land at the exact same time for pretty near to 100% of someone’s health. Again it sounds like you should go check out xaryu. He plays at 3k+ :roll_eyes:

I’m also probably one of the few people in here that is over 2k in anything. Thanks for the real classy call out though. :+1:


I’d think having 1 fire mage is essential. Having two mages, one fire and the other fire/frost depending the map would be ideal.

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This thread is on :fire:!


Had a fire mage do this to me recently and sure enough, he died. :wink:

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I agree …

Feel like you sneeze on fire mages and they die tho.


Once again. They’re pretty squish. Try playing something like MLS though. They ride destro all game long. Not because the destro does more damage that’s for sure (off burst CDs anyways).

Blink/caut/temp/block vs long CD port and one wall.

Even rmp half the time we train mage to stop cc but kill rogue because he feels squishier.