Greater pyro out of control

GPB = 35% for 4.5 second cast
Reanimation = 10% + stun/interrupt for 1 rune and 1 GCD.

meaning that 3-4 GCDs puts me at relatively the same cast time for ~35% damage. not including my other damage going on at the time.

Sorry I thought we were talking in bgs

Eh sorta. Iā€™d rather ride warlock in bgs too. Just saying you have to go way deeper to hit a mage who can blink further back.

Thereā€™s a big difference between reducing their health over 4 seconds to chunking all of it (cast time or no).

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So your 3/4 gcds does 35%. Congrats. The mages next 3/4 do the other 60% of your health in instants. Also do you have spammable poly to punish them if they kick your gp? Dks have good pressure, zero one shot.

Edit bazongas (weird new name lol) says it better.

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Come onā€¦even AI can line-of-sight my greater pyros.


its similar damage on a similar timeframe, and it has added benefits, my zombies also stun and interrupt, follow you around LoS, and will patiently wait for iceblock/bubble to finish. i can also keep spamming it as long as i have runes, it canā€™t be kicked. and in terms of burst, i can get 5-6 of them up and grip you into them to take 50-60% damage all at once.

my point is to show that GrPB is not wildly out of line from what other classes can do.

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The time frame you give is really not on the same level though. Also itā€™s 60% not 100%. Itā€™s really not comparable. The only burst that compares to fire mage is ret pally in my booksā€¦ I havenā€™t seen a dk one shot anyone at any rating Iā€™ve played at. Seen fire mages do it all the time.

Cdew has a pretty hilarious YouTube video out of him playing rpd. His rogue gets one shot in opener without gp constantly (rogue damage too). Thing is they can do the same damage as the opener but with a gp thrown in later in the game. the damage is not comparable to one shot of fmage


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mages arenā€™t 1 shotting you with GrPB, even spell stealing it the biggest hit iā€™ve seen is 52k.

and yes, if i can get 10 zombies out and grip you into them, you will go 100-0 instantly.

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Hereā€™s rextroy on unholy DK ā€œchunkingā€ and ā€œ1 shottingā€ in 2k+ rated arena.

that got nerfed :frowning:

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Sad. Looks fun! :crazy_face:

You act like this happens all the time in Bgs. It really doesnā€™t.

Iā€™m not saying they are. Iā€™m saying gp is the issue because even though itā€™s hard to get off they will one shot you if they do cause they can combine it with all their other instants (meteor/blast/pyro).

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Happens just as often or more often than warlock one shotsā€¦ As Iā€™ve said before also. My issue is combining it with all their other instants and different schools of magic. Poly spam after a gp stop is toxic. Stop cb and you do jack.

Gp needs to just be deleted.

This isnā€™t an issue in Bgs where itā€™s wide open space. Arenas I can see it so maybe post there.

Still an issue in bgs. You just donā€™t notice it. Try out those big CBS yet? Lol

Yep I went right back to how I play and went 13-2 top dmg. Not a fan of pets so I prefer sac.

dude your a shaman and can interrupt not to mention you can hex before he even gets a greater off + you have 9 other teammates in a battle ground and 1/2 teammates in an arena, your saying you are the only person in your arena team doing CC? if so maybe get new partners. a good player isnt letting you get greaters off and only idiots let you hard cast them