Greater Forsaken (Nathanos style)

The way the MMO handles the player character, the player character is the most exceptional of exceptions.

I’m pretty impressive, if you didn’t know. When they were selecting a head priest back in Legion, Velen and Calia and Alonsus Faol were like, “we could only be led by this guy Torvald.”

Also I was the singular champion selected by Azeroth to wield its heart and destroy N’zoth and the Black Empire like the end of Lord of the Rings!

And the First Ones artifact reacted to me specifically as the prophesied Maw Walker! Somehow.

Also, whenever I get involved with any villain who can see the future, their abilities somehow stop working because something in me defies time itself? I don’t quite get it, but Elisande and Murozond do.

I also saved each major territory in the realm of death itself and saved the most powerful good-aligned necromancers in existence, who know everything there is to know about restoring, constructing, and doing anything else you can do in managing the bodies of the undead.

But somehow I can’t find a guy to make me look like one of those suave undead, and can’t shake looking like a ratty corpse whose clothing also gets tattered and worn the second I put them on? What is this nonsense?


I will say, it is funny watching people who I know for a fact I’ve seen in other threads saying that faction barriers are the worst thing ever and need to be done away with pull a complete 180 because it’s Horde asking for Alliance stuff for a change.


Forsaken should get human cuztomization imo at this point. And there dk skin tones.

Honestly every race should have undead skin tones and red/white/yellow/blue/green eyes to match.

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I am against turning Velves into Helves, but the thing is that people like it or not, Nightborne are Night Elves, both sides have already one race of the opposite faction.

I’d dare to say Nightborne are even better because have more differences from Night Elves than Void Elves have from Blood Elves instead of seeing it as a bad thing. But of course, they needed more customization.

That’s because they are.

However, until the barriers are removed, I will continue to call out the hypocrisy of horde asking for alliance races/rigs and getting well received when if the alliance do it, they get bullied and their thread flagged.

The fact you don’t see that hypocrisy is hilarious.

Hey there kettle.


So they’re not actually Night elves, right.

If you honestly believe a botched ugly model with horrible customizations was a win for the Horde I can start linking posts from the many people that hate playable Nightborne due to how subpar it is to Void Elves.

The copy/paste of Void Elves with copy/paste options is exactly what Alliance people asked for, the Nightborne model that was asked for by both sides and what Horde got isn’t.


Horde get both the Human female and Worgen Female rig in Dragonflight.

Try again.

This isn’t an elf thread lads.


Yes, they are Night Elves.

One would have to be blind to deny it.

Based off Nightborne not getting the Dark Ranger customizations, I don’t even think they are elves according to Blizzards logic currently since it was elven customizations and they were the only elves left out.

Not. An. Elf. Thread.



I imagine the Elves flooding the place and Guzzle yelling “Hey! hey! No Elves! No Eeeeeeelves!” :joy:

To keep on topic, I’d not mind at least Forsaken Death Knight to have Nathanos model. Just that Humans nd Orcs are like sacred to Blizz. If that’s not possible, other forms of undead would be cool.

Best course of action that worked for the Alliance taking a Horde core race would probably be to ask for the Nathanos model as it’s own AR? Then complain until we got living non undead customization for it, using either the Fogsail or Alteraci as citation to point for why.


Dracthyr dont fight in there visage forms though. Its more everyone gets dragon rig. Since I dont see worgen shooting fire out there mouths unless they play dragons breath fire mage. Havent seen that though.

If horde can get fair treatment when it comes to shating assets that would make things more fair.

Void elves took from blood elves. Didnt see much sharing back from the alliance.

I mean it’s literally the demon hunter rig and it’s painfully obvious. Go look at it in the wowhead dressing room. Their unarmed ready animation is particularly noticeable in its difference.

Horde humans already exist though.

The forsaken, fogsail humans. The forsaken are lordaeron humans.

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