Greater Forsaken (Nathanos style)

Because it’s not the worgen rig. Go look at it on the wowhead model viewer. Compare the unarmed animations. It’s really obvious, the female worgen rig has a very distinct crouchy lean thing while the dracthyr and the dh rig stand upright

When we see him in the first part of that War Campaign he looks like a regular undead. Its not until later that hes been more… humanized. I think Sylvanas even suggests without directly saying that shes going to do things to the body before raising him…

Though I could be remembering wrong.

For what it’s worth I would welcome Nathanos and Calia type of customizations for Undead because I love Calia’s look, Nathanos is meh and I have yet to see a female character that looks that way so I withhold my judgement but I still think we should get equal treatment in the so called sharing department because of fairness since so far all it’s been is Alliance, Alliance, Alliance and we have gotten nothing in return.

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But looks like the magic to create them is lesser and they instantly go rotten. According to the video where Sylvanas raises them.

Makes no sense to me, though. But aside from this, I’d also add Full Skeleton Forsaken, to play as Spinal from Killer Instinct.

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I mean that’s pretty clearly a gameplay mechanic. Lorewise Forsaken vary widely in their state of decay


Well if you go make a human dk right now they can look very alive. I don’t see why forsaken can’t. Since they both come from the same source orginally. Even Morgraine chose to have his human look as an undead soldier of Maldraxxus.

Most powerful or popular undead already use the human model. I don’t see why forsaken characters can’t either. If you see Lillian Voss is probably the most popular character using the forsaken model.


Tbf I feel like you could pretty easily tie a Calia esque model to a Nathanos esque model with skin tones and then just say they’re risen scarlet crusaders who in constant agony as their righteous fire burns them from the inside out

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To the point of looking like Nathanos? Sylvanas had to sacrifice a lot for that.

Death Knight are superior to Forsaken when it comes to magic. Magic varies in strength, which can be seen when Sylvanas had to restore Nathanos.

That said, if it’s possible, I’m not opposed for Forsaken to look “fresh”. But I don’t think the magic’s strength is the sme.

In the BFA book it says that some of them just look like sickly humans.

So no, even more human than Nathan.

How much strength and power have we gotten from gods, blessings, heck my forsaken warrior joined the Maldraxxin covenant and has access to there powerful necromancy… it’s not a stretch for me to get the access of magics like Nathanos did. She uses powerful borrowed power from all over

Can you give me the quote?

That’s the player character. I don’t know who or how Forsaken will be created now, since Sylvanas is gone.

The “Deathlord” can, though. He raised Horsemen. But I think a rework of the race is possibly due. “People that want to continue protecting Azeroth after death” or something.

Maldraxxis is where necromancy was created. And all the undead we summon comes from there. That magic was brought to Azeroth by the Nathrezim and Sargeras which basically led to Arthas. All that magic and runeblades was made by the Primus.

If there connection/relation is built up that’s all that is needed really. Maldraxxins already can choose how they want to look. Like Vajsh did.

Frostmourne was made by the Primus/Jailer. The Primus knows and Margraive Sindane pretty much are masters of the knowledge of necromancy and study death magics.

Slyvannas learend her death magics from Val’kyr and the Jailer. But as allies we have the maldraxxins. The fact an undead dk still looks decayed also is funny. Human dks get t o play undead and still look alive and blizzard tends to give important lore figures that model. I think it should be available to the player as well. It’s not much of an issue since void elves got blood elf customization as former blood elves. Forsaken are basically former humans/still humans.

How about we give Forsaken Darkfallen models instead?

That’s not taking anything from the Alliance because Darkfallen are already another Horde thing that’s been taken from Horde and shared with Alliance with the Dark Ranger customizations, the whole point of this thread is to get something shared from Alliance to Horde instead of it always being Horde giving to Alliance.

You guys could also use the NE dark ranger options on forsaken too.

I think undead dwarfs is called for too.

I can’t find my pdf soz.

But if you have a copy it’s in the part where Calia is meeting the Forsaken prior to the thing with their relatives and she’s describing the various Forsaken. She mentions how some are just sickly humans and some are unrecognisable monsters.

Forsaken are, as far as undead go, relatively low effort. The Forsaken have at least one necromancer on the payroll who was Kel’thuzad’s first apprentice (if you go to cot hillbrad he’s the guy Kel’thuzad is telling about necromancy as they walk on the road) and acts as the Forsaken leader in Hillsbrad.

They never needed val’kyr technically, it’s just that most necromancers would need to raise them as mindless undead and then release them, whereas the val’kyr were powerful enough to raise them with free will from the get go.

In combat however we see the val’kyr raise Forsaken without free will and that’s been described by a dev as necessary in combat where they can’t spend as much time and effort as they would out of combat.

That’s… not even remotely how necromancy works. Necromancy works by the necromancer pulling the soul of a dead person out of the Shadowlands (wherever it ended up) and really crudely forcing it back into its body.

The more powerful types of undead are generally more powerful because their soul is placed into their body less crudely.

Any death magic is considered necromancy that includes flesh shaping.

Maldraxxus is a place all about flesh shaping and resources given to soldiers to become the best army they can. Someone arriving in Maldraxxus is given a very basic kind of form that they can inhabit and then based on their victories or their losses they get upgrades or downgrades to that body, the little scrawny leftover abominations are an example for those that just didn’t work out, whereas someone like Draka and Vashj who was successful working their way up the ladders very quickly they are in the position where they could start making some choices and are given some latitude in order to decide their form and start shaping their flesh their way, if someone doesn’t prove themself then those choices dissipate pretty quickly.[4]

Maldraxxus is the birthplace of necromantic magic[5] and home to the forces that were called upon by the Lich King and the Scourge on Azeroth.[6]

Dks summon forces from Maldraxxus, spells like army if the dead and summon ghoul. They are necromancers basically summoning units from there. They can also do direct necromancy.

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That’s… not what any of what you posted says.

“Birthplace of Necromancy” and “All necromancers are summoning mobs from Maldraxxus that for some reason are a totally different type of undead from anything encountered there” are not the same thing.

What you posted explains how Necromancy means something different in the Shadowlands to Azeroth.

As far as necromancy goes. You are either summoning death forces from.Maldraxxus or binding souls back into a body. The body can be an abomination and chimera mixed parts like the forsaken.

Nathanos went through basically flesh shaping another part of necromancy.

And The lick king pulled forces from Maldraxxus. Scourge forces etc, the architecture scourge use is also based of of Maldraxxi stuff. Liches and scourge magic originate from there.

On Azeroth some of the magic changes a bit. But you still can summon.forces from.Maldraxxus. Its not like we were performing a direct undead necromancy when we are in places like ZM, or Argus. We summon them from other places.