Greater Forsaken (Nathanos style)


Give Undead more options. Also let me be an Undead paladin already.


I am not denying that he’s fresher. And may even stay fresher longer. But if keeping the “new car scent” is the yardstick for measuring greatness among undead than my undead bois are nigh unto gods.

It literally isn’t mentioned that he’ll be in a new body until after the ritual. If that’s what it was, that’s what she’d say. She says stronger. She says it STOPS the decaying process. She says he will last ages (as in the measure of time). A new body doesn’t stop the decaying process, it delays it. It certainly doesn’t slow it by thousands of years.

He’s a higher form of undead like a death knight, get over it.

Try giving the Forsaken a Hand… :wave: or two! :wave: :wave:

Superfresh, but he’s still inna ditch. Maybe he is not decomposing in the ditch though? Maybe we can staple his head back on when Sylvanas comes back and he will pop up again. That would be kinda impressive.

Slightly more seriously…

We never saw him in the Maw.

What if cutting his head off wasn’t enough?

Not like he hasn’t played dead before.

No it’s not. You have access to the female rig, not the male.

Also, why is it when Horde ask for an Alliance thing, every poster is all WOO YES LETS DO IT but if an Alliance asks for something Horde, the OP gets called entitled, etc.

Also, they made it very clear Nathanos was a very rare exception.

Honestly the writers probably forgot about him.


I’m not saying I want to play as him, just that type of undead.

He could be dead in two ditches for all I care.

Sylvanas mentions looking for Nathanos during her repentance in the book, IIRC.

Hell yeah! I am all about more customization options especially chiropracticly erect… heh… options.

Except for Derek… and Calia… and all the new elves which can be Druids and Paladins… yeah… they jumped the shark with undeads. The gates are open! Cry havoc and let slip the plaguehounds of war!


Honestly you ask for anything and someone will tell you no.

I don’t see the point with the models anymore. Precedents been set, models can cross over and be reused.

Yeah I know. I was only joking. Its pretty clear he was meant to be dead.

I think its like this…

Cause like… he should have shown up. lol

I’m all for giving Forsaken players more options to choose from inclusinf whether you wwnt to stsnd erect or hunched over, the same appearance options that the Nathanos npc character has, and more skin/hair colors, and piercings too. Also Undead pally.


He really should have… but considering what they did to both Garrosh and Arthas… we probably blinked and missed him.

Yes, we have access to the human female rig.

Derek is a regular forsaken, what are you talking about lol.

And Calia was resurrected with the light.

Yeah, why not. I’d change one of my undead alts and see it how goes.

:arrow_double_up: :arrow_double_up: :arrow_double_up:

He doesn’t look like a normal Forsaken. I think he’s speshul.

I doubt OP would be making as much as a point if the Alliance didn’t already get our most popular model, w their own unique theme, benefitted from having our core race lose visual uniqueness then also benefit from additions made to that core race.

Why is it just the accepted state that Alliance can receive Horde things, whether it be High Elf options (already playable in a Horde core race) or DR options a Forsaken (Horde) thing.