immediate, as in, no compelling time factor.
and the word is certainly not the point.
that you would focus in on that point,
while ignoring the general trending
of the thought, seems myopic.
Achievements being old doesn’t mean they’re not badly designed. And you seem to intentionally leave out the fact that this achievement had no real purpose until now.
“Badly designed” because? It’s an achievement tied to the 8.1 war assaults, so it is tied to the 8.1 war assaults. Is the achievement from Blackrock Foundry bad because it needs 10 people, is older, and had a mount tied to it for years?
Because of excessive RNG, just like with other examples I’ve mentioned before. Open world events and world quests, especially those that are tied to achievements, should always be on a fixed rotation. A lot of frustration in the last expansions could’ve been easily avoided by this.
What a silly comparison, when raid bosses are always available and players can plan to do the achievements at any given time.
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