Great way to block Meta Achievement Progress... Unbelievable

Whoever decided to put a Rotating Assault world quest “Vulpera for a day” as a requirement for a meta achievement to completely BLOCK me from completing at a reasonable pace must be an absolute Joy to work with at blizzard. I thought the World quests in nazmir were gut wretchedly rediculous… I have to wait for Vol’dun to be on the rotation for Assault World quests IN ADDITION TO the particular “Vulpera for a day” World quest to be in that particular rotation… We are talking about WEEKS of this never showing up. GREAT JOB !!! Can you feel the sarcasm?


You mean that SIX YEAR old Meta achievement that you knew about but ignored? That meta achievement?

Only thing blocking you is you apathy.

Nice edit :slight_smile:


A farewell to arms is a brand new meta…


It’ll be up again Friday

You’ll live…


Vol’dun will be up again friday. Doesnt mean that particular world quest will be on that rotation.

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Nope it doesn’t. I need it too, but I’m not throwing a fit over it.


I haven’t done any but isn’t the meta stuff something new they added to BfA (with achievements from the time that were there already).

I have started but trying to wrap my head around the elusive heart of Azeroth powers I gotta learn how to get.

6 years but with no Jani mount attached? Before now it was for achievement hunters, now it’s also for mount collectors. Collectors would have done it at the time if it provided this mount.


All the achievements for it are 6 years old. You didn’t do them in the past 6 years, you’ll live a few days.


What’s the rush?

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The achievement is like 2 weeks old lol


Gonna head back to school soon. Who else puts “me” twice in every sentence ?

They have all been there for 6 years. Because I have most of them done.

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You said the Meta achievement is 6 years old. It’s not. It came out 2 weeks ago.

Let me refresh your memory:


Doesn’t seem like it. In fact, you’re missing many - including the Vulpera WQ OP mentions lol


It’s fun to get pedantic. In any case, the achievement needed for the meta that is being referred to in this thread is six years old. You have your ‘gotcha’ moment. Are you satisfied?

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Scavenge Like a Vulpera was added in 8.1, the chance to do it “in a timely manner” has long since passed.


He literally said the Meta achievement has been out for 6 years.

Telling him it just came out 2 weeks ago isn’t pedantic lol


When was the Meta achievement added? You know, the one with the reward to make the achievement worth doing which he said was added 6 years ago?

Per Merriam-Webster, it’s pretty spot on:

What is an example of pedantic?

A pedantic person may do lots of annoying things, such as point out minor errors, correct people who make small mistakes, and brag about their own knowledge and expertise.


“Minor error”

“Small mistake”


It was so central to his point that he mentioned it twice. Since my refresher didn’t help you the first time I hope the second time will:

Look how snotty that final “That meta achievement?” is. It’s not pedantic to argue against his central thesis lmao